    Are you the one that left a million bucks at Sydney restaurant?

    Police are looking for the owner of a suitcase "full of money" that was left at the Italian restaurant in Sydney by a mystery customer.

    Ten Network television reported the suitcase left at Cafe Marco Tuesday morning contained about 1 million Australian dollars ($1 million) in 50 dollar notes.

    But police will only describe the suitcase contents as "a significant amount of cash."

    Detective Inspector Ian Pryde told reporters a man around 30 years old wearing surfing shorts and a singlet carried the suitcase into the cafe. He then "seemed to get spooked" and left without the money.

    A cafe staff member contacted by telephone told The Associated Press she was too busy with customers to comment.

    +1  Views: 526 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    I'd like to claim the money and share it with everyone on hear, exept I couldn't look 30 years old even if I wore a wig, and certainly not in a singlet


    I am sorry then. No Soup For You or us :(

    Try them on take a photo, send em downline,I,ll give an honest opinion," promise "sunny.

    What a photo of me in me vest on hear, not on your nelly.

    Ye, too busy being pissed off, cos she never saw it first.


    You’re a good tipper or what?

    if it were mine it wouldn't have been left behind.


    Neither would I, but he was a crook. They found him in hospital.

    To Me its sounds like dirty money!!!!


    It was, he was a crook.

    eggplant thank you I thought so! xoxox

    all sounds a bit strange, I wonder why anyone would carry that amount of cash, must be a reason why he hasn't claimed it back


    He was a crook and they found him in hospital.

    yes, I left it there, how did you know it was me? :D

    It was me I decided to leave a tip for the first time in my life, did I get it wrong?

    Yes could you please have it forwarded to me please.

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