    " Just curious what unique item do you carry in your wallet or purse and why? "

    +9  Views: 1622 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago

    28 Answers

    Tissues, money. phone and keys.


    "Out of the 4,items you have listed I would consider (money) as the most unique since most people use plastic now a days."

    I don't use credit cards. Never use them.

    that's unique ?

    I pay with cash. Why spend time handling bills and writing checks ?

    I carry a photo of my cute Grandson because research has shown if you loose your wallet the odds of it being returned are much higher if you have a photo of a cute looking kid in it

    Also seeing him when I open my wallet enhances my love of life


    Hello St Michael. Are you new around here? Glad to have you. Regards/yvonne57

    I carry a portable ash tray in my purse so I don't throw my butts onto the ground. This ashtray closes up.....


    Very Cool Beans, Julie, and considerate of the good earth!

    I do too

    I like that good idea. I hate hanging on to the darn things until I find a trash can.

    If I don't have my purse with me, I'll stick the used butts in my cigarette pack and really stink....

    jh, I thought clonge meant a gun, not "protection" per se. How funny. Thanks for giving me the "heads up" so to speak!

    that's cool, but please don't smoke, b/c there are people who love and need you

    I carry a copy of my ATM PIN number, just in case I get mugged, wouldn,t want to put the b******s to too much trouble, might be totally out of it by then


    Bad idea.

    Hey it,s Christmas time,don,t like to disappoint. lol

    Most people aren't likely to have a copy of their birth certificate in their purse or wallet, but I do.


    Is that just in case you,re asked for it when buyin the bevvy my Lady?

    Not really sure why it's still there, but it doesn't take up much room....folded up and in my checkbook cover!

    Why, PKB ?

    I carry a certified copy of my birth certificate in my wallet,it's got the seal and everything on it and it's the size of a driver's license,it's legal and it works for any thing I may need my birth certificate for,I've used it for years.It's also laminated.

    I carried my original birth certificate all my life until a couple of years ago, when I noticed it would soon be illegible if I didn't put it somewhere more protected. And, Cleveland Rick is right, it came in very handy.

    lisence and credit card for all the obvious reasons...

    An epipen in case of a mad bee!


    Hoping you never need to use it!

    Half dozen PBA cards. I'm sure you all can figure that one out.


    ??? To me, PBA is Professional Bowlers' Assoc. You only need one card!
    ed shank

    No, No, No Police Benevolent Association. Won't save your ass from a DUI, but they do come in handy.

    My mom had a miniature California Highway Patrol badge given to her by an officer which she carried in the same wallet window as her DL. She NEVER got a ticket in California. She DID get one speeding through Florida!
    So, you are retired law enforcement?!
    ed shank

    Me the fuzz, not quite, I'm the guy they were always looking to throw in jail. Have a few good friends that are state troopers and they give me a "Get out of jail " card every year.

    ............should've known!

    "TWO for the price of one card. The "Wife and her "Mother.going "cheep" Nice birds "Homers untrained .Good company for "Deaf people ,Might not "hear but can see tongues going in and out like a "Rattler Snake. 

    I carry my wallet, date book, my dads hankershif, hand lotion and tampons.


    Your dad's hankershif would definitely be unique!

    A piece of paper that has (in small type) pertinent information such as phone numbers, account numbers, addresses etc. of my closest friends, family and important businesses. 

    I still have my original Social Security Card from 1974, non-laminated !


    We're not supposed to laminate those things!

    Really? I'm glad I didn't, thank you.

     A polished rock from the end of my hash pipe from when I lived in Italy.  I couldn't bring the pipe home with me to America so I broke a colored stone from it and I still carry it with me wherever I go.  Hmmm, we'll discuss what happened to the contents of the pipe on another thread!  LOL  r/yvonne57


    Ohh, come on , who gives a s**t, share I say, share now!!!

    Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end. We'd sing and dance, forever and a day. We'd live the life we choose; we'd fight and never lose. Those were the days. Oh, yes, those were the days.
    And you must have had a great time living in Italy!

    ~.♫˜♥.~~.♫˜♥. Those were the days, my friend,
    we thought they'd never end. ~.♫˜♥.~ ~.♫˜♥.~

    Not unique,  but I carry "protection". As Forrest Gump said, "you never know what you're gonna get!"

    I carry all the usual but always have a pair of secateurs so I can take plant cuttings, I always have salt and pepper too cause they never put enough on hot chips, and never put any on sandwiches, I generally have a screwdriver too, comes in handy at work as we can't have sharp objects on the premises

    A plastic copy of my car key capable of opening only the door to my locked car (with the real keys inside it). AAA makes is for free if you are a member. Before using for the 1st time it looks like another plastic card.

    I have a photo of one of my daughters and her 3 children.

    The other kids keep telling me she, the daughter, is my favourite, but I try not to play "favourites"

    A poem I cut out of Reader's Digest when I was 17 years old ." Diary of An Unborn Child".  It had always reminded me to be responsible about sex because I don't believe in abortion for myself.

    My derringer.

    I always carry my Nus card from UNI dont know why also photos of my famley

    I still carry my almost 42 year old high school picture I.D. card,why? because it's about the only thing I have left from my school day's.


    Those days must have been good to you? Many people wish to just forget high school, me included, but I'm happy they were good times for you. :-]

    Now that is unique. How's your new job goin' ?

    I could'nt take the job,it was a on call bases,I would have only gotten a few hours a week and some weeks maybe no hours and that would have messed up my unemployment which is about to run out,so I'm still out there looking with no luck yet,it's a tough market(printing),even tho I'am not a printer,my job is in print shops.I'm a bindery machine operator(folders and saddle stitchers)

    A tiny bunch of Santa Lucias, wrapped in paper. They are lilac flowers, supposed to bring you prosperity. They were given to me by a chivalrous youth, on a beautiful day up in the hills.


    "Very interesting."

    Have they brought you prosperity? It's a nice story. r/yvonne57

    They haven't brought me economic prosperity (although I must say that, magically, ends meet despite my low income), but in life I think I can consider myself rich.

    MACE ~ ~ ~ in case anybody tries to mug me. I've already been mugged once.


    "Protect yourself anyway you can,I agree."

    Believe it or not a stanley knife blade.I was given it to scrape paint off a window when i did the frames.I was told to put it somewhere safe so dropped it in the bottom of my purse and still havent taken it out!!!!Really should do......


    I too carry a "blade" 7 inch long box cutter. My Son took it from me on my last visit so I wouldn't get "busted" on the plane. He sent it back to me though. He's a good boy.

    A small cross that belonged to my paternal grandmother.  I am not superstitious but I do believe in God and she was Irish Catholic. It's a physical way of keeping her close to me all the time, I suppose.


    "And I'm sure shes always near;Thank-you."

    Not one person carries condoms anymore.  Interesting. 


    See @Clonge's answer....... (he wrote that he always carries protection...)

    Yvonne, They don't ? Why not ? I thought most single men carry least the ones who don't want a baby do.

    Paper ( polymer in oz) money, thats very unique in my wallet.

    I have a fortune cookie "fortune" paper-clipped to my loose card holder that reads: Lies and sorrow may float through the air, but truth and happiness live inside yourself.

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