    what are you interested in the first of all when you become acquainted with somebody?

    +1  Views: 706 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    I look for ----are they a good conversationalist ?  are they easy to talk to ?

    Their character. Are they sincere, are they full of s**t, if the latter, I keep them at bay.

    definitely a good conversationalist and a great sense of humor

    Sense of humor is a must...........

    I like friendly people.genuinely friendly.Not just friendly because they want to sell you something.

    First and foremost - their EYES.


    eyes and face

    I guess so, but I always see the eyes first.

    I look to see how she treats people me included . Just a walk window shopping in the mall tells volumes about her. let her choose a movie and say nothing . If she don't find me funny its time to go .If she don't get my sense of humour then its over before its begun . Must have good intelligent conversation skills. Talk like a California Valley girl and I am gone .               Bill


    Talk like a California Valley girl
    "You want her to like go to the movie and like laugh? As if!"

    bluesman1951 - yes most important to see how she treats people and as you say almost straight away you can tell this by just a walk through the mall.

    The mall tells me just how expensive her taste are . If its crowded shows how patient she is . of course we will eat so I get to see how she treats people and her table manners . I want to see what she looks at . If she dont survive the mall and some people watching by the fountain then unless there is some sexual attraction its over ,no need to go further .

    bluesman - so right chemistry is important.

    Feeling comfortable about myself in someone's company is important.  If I feel self-conscious or ignorant, or boring, or otherwise unattractive, I won't be finding that other person very attractive.....and it may just be something I've manifested in my own mind.

    Having common interests is so important to me.Is he a great conversationalist or does he talk constantly about how great he is. The ability to know when to laugh and when to listen is important. I dated a joker that took nothing in life seriously and after a while it just got very tiring to me.

    What are THEIR interests.  That twill tell you more about them than anything else IMO


    If its an attractive female ...... I look at her BUTT.    I like a nice attractive female BUTT.


    t.y. for not saying big boobs!!

    pej: y.w. ..... original equipment please....

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