    Do you buy Christmas presents on credit?

    I did once. But it was years ago... Has the economy made you more or less likely to buy on credit?

    +2  Views: 725 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    I make as many presents as possible...I make cards an wrap or I have purchased them right after Christmas on super sale last year or years past.  I buy clothing for the Grandchildren and my Son on line and pay that off asap.  Christmas should not be the holiday that keeps on giving and giving until you pay it off... That is not what I call fun.

    The tighter money gets the more inventive I become... it's a challenge!


    I have no self restraint, I probably should cut my card up!!!

    I lost my card somewhere in this house of renovation and had to cancel it out of concern! It is a cash only Christmas!

    Christmas giving should not mean going in debt.  Why would anyone spend money that they do not have, in order to give someone a gift?  Offer to do something "free" for the person...make them lunch at your home,  do some Christmas shopping for them, decorate their house for them, babysit their kids while they do Christmas shopping, do some baking for them (they buy the ingredients).  Don't spend money anytime for anything or any occasion, if you don't have it to spend!!!

    So many people worry themselves sick after Christmas because they can't pay off their bills.

    No  Never if i had to do that I wouldnt buy them..... I buy all my presents in the sales though the year and when you start to wrap them up you have forgotton what they are and its a surprize for you as well!


    Two Christmases! :)

    Ducky never looked at this way nice xxx

    I can't get credit...........

    My dear, cash is king. I do not have a credit card and do not want a credit card. I have always paid cash mostly. If I can't afford something, I won't buy it.

    Love the answers.. I thought I was beening cheap...LOL... Glad to know I am in good company!


    Maybe some people would think that we're ALL cheap. Oh well, we're not broke after Christmas. :) and carry, i pay cash then carry them home..

    I buy nothing on credit - never have. You are right Jenn people are using credit more and more because of low interest rates - problem is production in the US and UK is becoming less and less. 

    I have to say that I buy everything on credit but always pay the bill at the end of the month. This way I make money by spending money.I went through my account spending and itemized where  and how much I was spending, decided what was allowable weekly for each area and stick with those numbers.Till Debt Do Us Part is a really good tv show to teach how to budget our money. Credit cards aren't bad,in fact you can make money spending it, it's our inability to control our wild spending habits that gets us all in trouble.

    Me, Cash. The wife uses everything. She is nuts at Christmas time, totally. I've been telling her for  years to lighten up a little, but that's like talking to the Christmas tree. What's the point I loose anyway.

    I use my credit card for everything and have done for years, but only as a short term interest free loan, I pay it out on time every month. But I must admit I get a bit carried away sometimes, I think next year I will shop differently and try paying cash for presents, may make me re think what gifts are all about, not always the monetary value

    Most of our gifts are of the dollar type.  Our grandchildren, nephews, and kids all want/need money so that's what we do.  We figure to spend $1000 in cash and gifts this year.   I also buy gifts via the INTERNET and have to use a credit card for that.   If we use our credit cards we pay it off at the end of each month.  At the end of the year I get an itemized statement from my credit card company of how each dollar was spent.  I like that.


    Yvonne, I agree you can't really internet shop without one, and there are lots of bargains on the net, I just saved over $800 on a new oven

    NO! I don't buy Christmas presents on credit because Christmas comes again and again and again. 


    Sorry about capital letters, got stuck.

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