    Happy Christmas? I,m not so sure.

    hard times ahead,ok to celebrate,(but spend) ?

    +5  Views: 1088 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Romos you can come and celebrate with me and Oliver we have no money either, but we can still listen to Christmas music.......Hope you do have a Merry Christmas anyways and everyone else too even though times are very very difficult and hard.
    country bumpkin

    I say Merry Christmas
    country bumpkin


    11 Answers

    Pagan? Christian? Who cares.I'm not religious but it is still a bloody great time to have the kids around you & enjoy their happiness. I will celebrate Christmas whatever it takes.

    Celebrate the spirit of the season. Spend if you can afford it.  


    barr humbug.. it's still a time of joy..

    I still love Christmas it is my favorite time of the year if for nothing else the fact that people seem a bit nicer during the Christmas season too bad that does not last year round.  


    How true.

    Marry Christ-mas Jesus is the reason for the season.

    Give to the needy or someone that you know is out of work if you can.


    Don't forget about the Pagen God. He was the reason for the season first :)
    Headless Man

    Why the sour comeback, this is a Christian question?

    No, it was not a Christian question. It was a Romos question. He is facing hard times. He will celebrate but spending is questionable. I was not sour, just reminding you that it is also a Pagan holiday, it was theirs first. There are still Pagans today. It is the day of their God's birth. Their religion is just as important a reason for the season.

    But I do wish you a very Merry Christmas in the spirit of the day being about your Savior. I know that it is a very important day to you and I really do not want to take that from you. He IS the reason for your season. Peace be with you and all you love.
    Headless Man

    I don't know why Dec. 25 was chosen to be Jesus birth as it was more likely in the fall, Sept. maybe. Maybe they did Want to override the pagan god, nevertheless it is the time we accept to celebrate his birth, Thank You and God Bless.

    They chose it as a ploy to get the Pagans to convert to Christianity. The deal was, if the Pagans converted, they could continue to celebrate the holiday in the same manner they were accustomed to. Nothing would change and their festivities would be incorporated into the Christian celebration. Hence the Christmas tree. The tree comes from the Pagans along exchanging gifts and the burning of the Yule log. The Christmas celebration is more Pagan than it is Christian.
    Headless Man

    If a few Pagans were converted, that was a good thing, now if only we could convert a few more.

    We bake Jesus a Birthday cake every Christmas. It is a good way to celebrate his birthday and keep our minds on why we celebrate.
    No matter the date on the calander... we think it is cause for celebration.
    Thank or the well wishes Colleen. Loe ya!

    Simmpler minds back then were easier to perve..err...convert. :)

    GURL!!!!! Did you just call me simple...LOL!!!! You KNOW you love me and my simple self!

    I was talking to Randy about the ancient Pagans and how easy it was to convert them, lol. They converted just to keep partying. I wouldn't say they were true believing Christians after converting ;)
    Headless Man

    Only the wise survived back then, not like today,

    Happy Christ Mas is to be "thankfull" for the wonderfull gift that Jessus gave us on a the cross!!!!!

    He gave you eternal,if you'll accept and acknowlegde that Jesus was the son of God.


    that's right 'jesus is the reason for the season'...

    Wow really? Who woulda thunk it? Jesus is the reason 'eh?
    Somewhere in history I thought it was the Pagan God who was the reason for the season, til the Christians took it over...hmmm. Might have to look at the history of Dec 25th again.
    Headless Man

    I answered this Colleen, why restate it, just trying to stir people up?

    I post this at the very same time as I posted to you. Was just sharing the facts. :) I actually commented to this one first and then I saw yours so commented to you too.

    We celebrate Easter as the gift of the Cross and reserection. And Christmas as the Birth and teachings.

    Geezzzzzz I still like Christmas and I am broke just me and Ollie.

    This is a happy season for people who sell and make a lot of money. They spend a lot for advertising. We are SOLD the holiday. I don’t like that very much ... I just like to buy buy buy. Dam!

    If you want to find me, I’ll be in the toy department at Target...singing. Bah?

    I am squeezing my purse till it cries this year!!!! But there will be a little something under the tree. I actually returned some door frames that have been in my shed for 5 years, and got $109 ... Got to be creative around here. But that is good times!!!!

    I like Christmas and I only spend what I can afford...always have and always will...good times or bad times and I've had some of each.  Merry Christmas to all.

    We don't have to worry too much down here. Some people are not spending much money because of the carbon tax. We don't know how much she is going to sting us yet.

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