    is it a crime to superglue locks on a house that is jointly owned to stop th other person from entering

    +1  Views: 569 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Why not just super glue your room mate to the patio furniture..

    You cant  if joint owned see a lawyer.

    If the other person is your spouse, and you end up in a divorce, you could be cited for abandonment, which will have an effect on any subsequent settlement.

    Yes. You can not deny them access to their own home without a court order. 

    I never thought of that. It's a good idea. But, of course it's illegal, so you can't do it. I suppose if you went on holidays for  a long time, it would be good. Sometimes when people go on holidays over here and leave their houses vacant for a month, somebody sells it. Then when you come home someone else is living in your house and using your things. The courts won't do anything about it because the new people paid for your house. Laughable isn't it? The criminal gets away with it.

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