    Today is my son's birthday. He's 47.

    We were always so close until an upset between us 2 1/2 years ago. He does not open my mail, receive my presents, return my texts. His wife has banned me "for life" from the family. I just hope that when my grandkids become adults they will want to get to know me. No question, really. Just spilling out my emotions here today. 

    +8  Views: 1041 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Dear winfia, your situation with your son and his family is heartbreaking.  Two and one-half years is too long for an upset or misunderstanding to come between family members.  I can't imagine anything horrible enough to warrant a life-time ban from the daughter-in-law, and preventing the grandchildren/parent from having a relationship.  I do hope your son wakes up PDQ and that his wife FALLS off her high horse.
    (My eldest will be 25 on 12/9....we haven't been speaking for 5 months, since he got arrested and his/girlfriend's drug use came to light. Not sure when this will pass....)   I can empathize with your situation.   :( 


    I cannot imagine what you go through with your son in jail. I have a friend whose son is in prison for murder ... and he did the act. There is someone always with a worse story, but that does not make it any easier, does it. I have another friend who turned her son in for drugs because it was a threat to her grandchild. After 4 years they are beginning to mend their relationship. We can only love our children unconditionally and pray for their well-being and let Divine Order take its course.

    I couldn't agree with you more!

    Terrible situation for you Winfia,sounds like you have done your best in trying to make amends,as sad as it is you may have to accept that he is not a part of the family anymore(his choice).It seems obvious he has chosen his wife first and foremost, and is denying his  children the love of a grand parent.Could also be his wife doing some brain washing too.


    I have apologized in person, by phone, by letter, by email, by text ... more than once. What brought this about was that I had said something to him over the phone ... I asked him if I could tell his sister about the dire straights his company was in (a business started by their great-grandfather) - he was so distraught after that call that his wife passed her sentence on me.

    Shame on him Winfia life's too short to not appreacate your own mother, Maybe you should drive (assuming it's nearby)over and give him a big hug tell him enough already, their your grand kids as well.. if all else fails you got a loving family here on "aka"...daren


    Unfortunately he lives 2200 miles from me. I am no longer feeling blame toward him or his wife. And I have forgiven myself for what was an innocent act on my part... thank you for your caring, daren1

    Winfea, that is so sad.  You might try to keep in touch with your grandchildren by E-mail or Phone. and depends on where your son lives, go there in person and have a talk with him and his wife. It sounds like there was some misunderstanding between you and your son, or you and your daughter-in-law. This must really hurt. It never happenend to me. If it did I would never give up trying. Life is too short. I hope and pray that this will be a thing of the past  for you soon.


    It was definitely an misunderstanding. I had promised that I would not tell his sister that the family business (started by their GGrandfather). He felt personally responsible, which was not the case at all - there were so many extenuating circumstances as I well knew having been married to their father who was also in that business. After a few weeks time I asked him by phone if I could now tell her. He said go ahead and f##ckin tell her and I did. Then he accused me of betrayal. Thank you for your prayers. They mean a lot to me.

    It seems that he feels responsible for the failure of his business, no matter what you say. When you told your daughter, that probably had nothing to do with him not speaking to you. He still feels responsible and does not want to have to explain. This is just a misunderstanding that will work itself out sooner than later. God bless

    I am sure you are right, Ann. What's really ironic is that the business did not fail and they did not lose their home.

    My TU did not register for u...I'll keep trying.

    winfia they do not desearve you is too short I dont know what to say except dont become bitter and just remember you have done nothing wrong so do not reproach your selve ever my thoughts are with you on this crisis xxx


    Mel, thank you for your support. I have overcome my anger and bitterness. Now I am endeavoring to practice unconditional love.

    you are better person than I am winfia I sopose it forgive and for get! xxx

    That must have been some " upset " winf, are you stubborn? Is he stubborn? You really need to get together , no matter the time or cost, lifes too short, he and his wife must know this as I know you do. TALK ! TALK ! TALK ! Bury head in sand? it won,t end.


    Your Majesty, read my comments to Ann. My mistake was in not letting nature take its course, so to speak. My daughter is no longer involved in the business. If my son did not want her to know about the problems in the business I should have just left well enough alone. But I think their "punishment" does not fit the crime. Ah, it's always lessons, isn't it?

    Time heals all wounds, somebody just forgot to check the clock.  I'm sure this will blow over.   He knows how sorry you are.  He's the one to offer the olive branch.  Take it with no misgivings.  Be nice to the undeserving daughter-in-law..............


    Thanks for your comments, jh. I hope you are right. And, yes, I have overcome my anger with the d-i-l. It's all a process, isn't it?

    So many people have relatives who do not speak to them.  It is really "driven home" at this time of year, isn't it?  Sad situations.


    I've always heard about family members who do not speak to each other, Ducky, and I never thought it would happen to me. But after 2 1/2 years I have come to a place of acceptance but without the hope of a healing in our relationship.

    winfia...I could easily have written YOUR (above) words. Maybe one day I will elaborate. For now, just know that you are not alone. :(

    Well, we're ready to listen when you do. Thank you for your comments.

    Winfia it takes two to tango and so I say both you and your son must have been at fault to allow this segrgation to occur in the forst place.

    Hold out the olive branch and hope he accepts it, someone has to make a determined first move.

    I am sorry for you and for your son but without inside knowledge of the details i Can not say more than I have except if you were in the wrong admit it and if your son was in the wrong accept it.

    Sincere love as a friend to you.

    Absolutely, absolutely. As I told King Romos, I should've let nature take it's course. I have tried over and over to make the first move and have been rejected. In two weeks I am flying back there to attend my grandson's performance in the Nutcracker. We'll see what happens. Thank you so much for your support and caring. They don't call you peoplelover for nothing. (I meant this to be a comment ... dang, I keep hitting the wrong button!)

    Winfia, I'm sorry about your situation. My daughter-in-law hates me. My son is at a great distance but he and my grandaughter come to visit once a year. My daughter in law never comes. My grandaughter sent me a photo of my DIL. She has gotten really fat in her absence from me...about ten years. 

    I wish I could say more about what happened to stop our friendship but I just can't -- not here. She really injured my life. (That's the best I can say) No, the best I can say is she's a female dog. 


    Everybody in our family blames the DIL - I think she is behind much of this ... buat then again my son does not have the backbone to assert himself with her ... I am so sorry for your situation. Why do the DILs hate us? is it jeaousy. I'm at a loss. I know what you mean about being injured. It hurts the soul. Blessings to you, itsmee.

    Can you believe it has been so long?!?   I have always thanked my Mom-in-law on my husbands birthday.  She did the work to make sure he came among us healthy and joyfully!  Congratulations on being a Mother!


    No! I absolutely cannot believe it has been so long. After my trip to Illinois to see my grandson dance in the Nutcracker later this month, I should know if this is a permanent thing or not. If it is, I won't let it ruin the rest of my life, that's for sure. It'll be what it is.

    I certainly hope it's not permanent. Families have a remarkable way of reconnecting and making things right, it usually just takes time. How can a son close out his own mother for life? Best to you all.

    Thanks for your comments, mich. My son and I were always so close. I always supported him, believed in him, encouraged him, never talked behind his back, and most of all ... we had fun together. He is a sweet boy. I am just befuddled by all of this.

    winfia sorry to hear this - to have a son of 47 years and then to fall out is so heart breaking. I can see so many people here sympathize with you, although I have not read their comments. It is extremely sad for you - this seems to happen so often within families - mine too - just be strong you did your best all these years and that is all you can do and do not reproach yourself people fall away as we get older haven't you noticed that even families.. He may at some point realize how much you have meant to him and things may come right I do hope so. who is this wife to ban you - oh my, she has  betrayed you so. I wish for you what you wish yourself..xx  


    If I see her at the Nutcracker later this month, it'll be interesting how she treats me. Will she avoid me altogether? Thank goodness my son-in-law adores me. I'm not kidding. He says I'm the mom he never had.

    winfia - please do not keep going over this in your mind - it would seem all projection from their point of view and maybe as has been said also helped by his wife. Do NOT feel quilty - it was maybe an error on your part and who knows if not this it may have been something else. Be strong and forgive yourself if you feel it will help as they are not forthcoming. It will not help you but if I were to tell you the way my Sister has treated my Mother and so many other things in the family - it would be like a horror story. This happens and I wish you well and take very good care of YOU!!

    Winfia unconditional love is truly the answer.  i have been working with kids and parents for years.  i always tell kids forgive your parents and forgive yourself.  it's hard.  but once you do that you have left the door open.  my sister's son did not speak to her for over a year.  i told him 'that's the only mom you have, and what is something happened to her.'  He hung up on me.   well that's the sister that died.  he took off work for 6 weeks, (bus driver) and sit with his mother every day until she died. they patched things up, and talked talked about their whole lives.  plus she left him a hugh inheritence.  but as Myyo Angelo said, 'everything that happens to us is a blessing'.  And we should be apprecitive.  Even tho sometimes i  wonder.  Winfia God bless you and hang in there with your son. He is living out what he needs to and so are you.


    Thank you so much for your very thoughtful and loving comments. I am so happy for your sister and her son, your nephew, that they patched things up before she passed. I have come to a place where I do love my son and my daughter-in-law unconditionally, so I am at peace in that regard. I sincerely appreciate your comments.

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