    is president obama right for the job of president?

    he hasn't done anything he said he would!

    +1  Views: 829 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Obama Failed Budget Policies

    Obama Failed Health Policies

    Obama Failed Change Policies

    Obama Failed Homeland Policies

    Obama Failed Defense Policies

    Obama Failed Jobs Policies

    Obama Failed Earmark Policies

    Obama Failed MidEast Policies

    Obama Failed Economic Policies

    Obama Failed Faith Policies

    Obama Failed Education Policies

    Obama Failed Seniors Policies

    Obama Failed Energy Policies

    Obama Failed Soc Sec Policies

    Obama Failed Environment

    Policies Obama Failed Tax Policies

    Obama Failed Foreign Policies

    Obama Failed Veterans Policies 





    Jack Large

    In other words a Totally FAILED Presidency

    Not a big fan then col, O wise one? Our crap gov across the pond like him. We,re all in deep S""T, Mi LADY.

    He's a charmer until you have to live with him.

    "What did he pass on?he keeps walking over land mines"I heard he is going to be "Santa this year look in you sock Colleen.Black magic quiz game!!

    He passed on removing DADT. I'll see if I come up with something else, right now I can't think of anything. He doesn't believe in spoiling through gift giving. He would be a bad Santa.

    Some say yes, I say no!!

    >>>>> Obama Count down Clock  <<<<< 




    US government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 firearms

    Under Obama's administration:  Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico. 

    It is now a widely-reported fact that under the Obama administration, U.S. federal agents actively placed over 30,000 fully-functional weapons into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, then halted all surveillance and tracking activities of where those weapons were going.

    Investigators call the tactic letting guns "walk." In this case, walking into the hands of criminals who would use them in Mexico and the United States.

    Under Obama's administration we have the TBS policy (Turn back South Policy) Do not arrest illegals crossing the border from Mexico into the USA, just turn them around and send them home. 

    A San Diego border agent wrote, “This makes the job for agents more dangerous. Not only are the aliens more defiant, they also begin to feel like they can get away with breaking our federal laws."

    Dever said several Border Patrol officials, including at least one senior supervisor, told him they had been directed to keep the number of border apprehensions down by chasing illegal immigrants back toward Mexico. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has recently cited a reduction in border apprehensions as evidence of an increasingly secure border.  

    Obama Amnesty Begins: Halts Deportations for 300,000 Illegal Aliens; Offers ‘Work Permits’

    Meanwhile the unemployment rate for legal USA citizens  is 8.6 percent.  It has been over 8 percent for 34 consecutive months. Americans need work while Obama gives illegals work permits. 

    He's doing a good job for the Mexicans anyway.  ""

    You answered your own question with the comment that he's not done anything he said he would.  Personally, I think he's dangerous, a threat to everything the United States of America was designed to be back in 1776.
    You've given everyone a chance to vent, though, so no harm done!  Welcome to akaQA 

    Hahahahahahahaha.... oh were you serious?... Ummmm NO. He is useless...

    NOPE.  He has long ago worn out his welcome in my opinion.


    Well, I voted for him, but he's been really disappointing. I don't know who the hell I'm going to vote for in the next election, I'm dissatified with him and the republican field looks like a looney toons convention.

    Headless Man

    If republicans are looney toons, what does that make Obama?

    The clubs sponsor.

    Actually, I liked Romney until he started trying to appeal to the radical right. I prefer a moderate liberal, but I can support a moderate conservative. I don't like a dogmatist from either side.

    The reason I say that the republican field is looney toons is because they are basically either unelectable or nonsensical. Herman Cain, three or four women accuse him of sexual harassnent or affairs ,you may or maynot believe him, but when you have that much smoke, there is usually a fire. Ron Paul is a die hard libertarian. This philosophy works as long as it's applied to individual problems on a case by case basis, but it is unworkable as a general ideology, this is why they don't have sufficient followers to form a party of their own. Perry lacks the focus necessary to lead on a national stage. Bachman, enough said. I think that Romney will get the nominatin, but Newt is doing well and has the political gravitas to make a race of it.

    A Definite NO.   We need a president that understands that jobs ane created by the PRIVATE SECTOR.  NOT THE GOVERNMENT.   

    Polticians only screw everything up.

    I'm sure he's a nice guy  ...... he's just the WRONG guy......

    Whatever you think

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