    In today's news: horse slaughter bill signed

    Obama Legalizes Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption.

    +3  Views: 2415 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    Maybe "White horses only?

    Who started the ball rolling to get the legislation revoked??? Who is behind the puppet this time?

    I am distraught. I am an Obama supporter - even worked on his campaign. Now I don't know what to do. There is no other person I want to support in the upcoming election. I feel betrayed.

    7 Answers

    I saw that. He went against a bill that he signed not too long ago to protect the wild horses. I can't wait to get this idiot out of office. 


    What idiot out there are we going to put in office?

    It's not over yet. We may still have other picks. Right now, Newt might be the one to watch.

     I think he just likes seeing his name...

    I fail to see the problem with eating horses. They are not filled with hormones as are beef cattle, they live on grass and do not need to be fed on maize , soya and concentrates. The French and Belgians have eaten horse meat for generations. I have eaten horse meat and can't understand why anyone should object. Meat is meat whether it comes from chicken, sheep, cow or horse.Only a vegan or vegetarian has any right to object.


    "I fail to see the problem with eating horses."

    That's not the problem. Those horses were protected until Obama used his poisoned pen again.

    It's a cultural thing, nomdeplume. We don't eat dog and we don't eat snake. There are other cultures that do. Its against our national conscience to eat horse meat.

    This is why this fool can not be trusted. Lies, lies and more lies...nothing but lies from this idiot. 

    "Interestingly, during the 2008 campaign, then-candidate Barack Obama said, "Federal policy towards animals should respect the dignity of animals and their rightful place as cohabitants of our environment. We should strive to protect animals and their habitats and prevent animal cruelty, exploitation and neglect.... I have consistently been a champion of animal-friendly legislation and policy and would continue to be so once elected." Obama announced that he had co-sponsored legislation to stop the sale for slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros, and signed on as co-sponsor to the bill to ban horse slaughter for human consumption. When asked specifically during the campaign, "Will you support legislation institute a permanent ban on horse slaughter and exports of horses for human consumption," Obama gave an unqualified "Yes." 



    I have voted this up at least 5 times ... one of these times it'll stick. I keep trying ...

    It stuck this time. I got the alert. Thank you ;)

    I do not watch the news much but I find this terribly distressing.  Obama shows each and every day that he is a total jerk and uncaring for anyone or anything.  

    what an a**hole!(obama).


    i`m sorry for this answer,i felt angry at this information. i do love horses.

    It's okay ... this is an open forum, after all. I am very distraught as well.

    My cousin posted this on my Facebook page: This was one clause in an 80 page bill, which CONGRESS passed with an veto proof majority and signing it was necessary to keep lots of necessary programs funded (like the USDA), it also does not provide any funds for USDA inspection of horse meat facilities without which the meat cannot be sold in the US for human consumption, so actually nothing will really change. It's just more politics as usual..... Again, it's congresses bill and it's just pork that some special interest group got a senator or congressman to sneak into an important bill which needed to be passed for important programs to be funded...... Not the Presidents idea.... If you want to do something constructive about it, find out who put the amendment into the bill and lobby to have it removed."


    It allows the meat to be sold over seas. Horse slaughter houses are already gearing up to reopen. Dig further than Facebook. Obama still signed off on it.

    thanks, Coleen. I will.

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