    City ot country life! whats you prefrence..?

    city or country life what's your prefrence ?

    +8  Views: 782 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    How bout right smack dab in the middle of about 100 acres 1 road leading up to my home and at the beginning of road a locking gate.....

    I live in "The City in the Country"... really!  That is what the signs say when you approach the city limits.   I would like to be a bit more country but we have a big property and this old house is very cool.

    Both would be nice...the city for the variety of activities available...the country for the total peace, quiet and darkness at night.

    I’m on a 1 acre lot at the end of a cul-de-sac in a 30 year old 2-br trailer with add-ons and out buildings. Several large trees on the lot and chickens that are gradually increasing in number and mixed varieties. 3/4 mile to Walmart and a bunch of other stores, i mile to a pretty decent hospital and medical/dental care/gyms and Fire department…schools etc. Most of the people here are more rural. The N/S freeway is 1/2 mile away but not too noisy . If you look at a map of California, from Redding to Medford Oregon there is less than 60,000 people. If you drive from Yreka to Reno Nevada  it is 250 miles of country roads and National Forests, a very few houses along the way. There are areas here where surveying from space is as close as anyone actually set foot.    


    Wish I was there,bloody snow in Scotland this cold and chilly morn.

    Thats sounds wonderful.

    Country living for me..........

    In the country i can see the storms coming , the stars at night , see the nature , lower property taxes, better schools, more friendly people, fly my remote control plane.


    All so very true.....

    For me country - although I have lived in London Town for far too long - just love the country and nature - my dream for the little time I have left is to live in the country even with all the arthritis - it being so cold - but they have arthritis unfortunately in hot countries - my Jamaican friend told me this so she still stays here. Country country for me.

    I like country living until winter and heavy snow get here. No plows! Have to stay in!  Wait I do like that too!

    As a city boy, i love the city  , indeed i appreciate the country but my hearts is in the city..

    Country for sure. The closest town is a thriving metropolis (20 miles away) which is about three blocks long with a population of approx. 7K people. NYC is about 2 hours away without traffic. Grew up in a city that made Newark look like the Bahamas. Still working on my "Get out of my face MF" attitude, but old habits die hard.

    I enjoy both, I live in a country town and enjoy the community spirit, we just held our 4th Vermin classic (fishing for introduced species damaging our rivers) it was great to see everyone involved, all the kids received a prize. We often have community fundraisers at the pub (about the only place in town). I do however get tired of the lengthy trip to work each day over some dreadful roads, we have no public transport so a car is a necessity, I miss the big shops and can't remember what it's like to dress up to go out. But on occasional visits to the big smoke, Sydney (10 hours away) I always enjoy coming back to the friends, clear skies, cane fields and macca plantations.

    I loved the country but moved to an urban setting at the age of 50. I do like not having the septic, well, and  snow plow problems that I used to have. My dog and I also like having sidewalks and parks to walk in, and the convenience of nearby stores. 


    i agree with having everything within walking distance..

    Definitely country,......... with a city nearby!!    Ideal.

    Well I live in a suburban type area that is very seaside holiday focussed but as my background is farming and grazing it is a matter of "you can take the boy out of the bush but you can`t take the bush out of the boy"

    In case that confuses our "foreign" friends. I prefer the bush. Sorry country, but we call it the bush.


    peoplelove, I know what your saying about the bush,(was a bush firefighter for years) but up here near the qld. border it really is country bush involved, cane fields, rain forests etc.

    Still the "bush" in our venecular.
    You live in a nice part of OZ, not too many not nice parts.
    My Mother was born on Wallangra Station north of Inverell, I still have a lot of relations there ,the Lockerys and Griffeys.
    A second cousin Peter Griffey was Postmaster at Emmaville.
    Mum was a Gooda.
    I have worked around Texas.

    Small town 350 people  semi country on river have morning coffee on dock feed the fish ducks got a little blue tick beagle and a fox terrier to focus my attention on   me I'm satisfied.


    Wow... you have dogs! :) Nice.

    I like city living,just not the city I live in,it can get pretty mean here...


    I live on the side of a mountain overlooking the sea. A stream running through my garden. Sheep in the fields. I love it

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