    what would happen if you were traveling at the speed of light and you turned on the headlights?

    +1  Views: 515 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    You would be blinded by your own lights in your rear-view mirror. If you think this is impossible, there was a baseball pitcher years ago, who was so fast that he could  turn out the lights while being out of bed and be in bed before the lights went out . It's getting dark now. Gotta go and try it. Maybe a cop can verify my speed because my speedometer only goes up to 160 m.p.h.

    The light would shine forward just the same as in a automobile the light emitted would be doing the speed of light plus the speed of the vehicle the same as when a fighter plane fires it's machine guns .

    i know the answer and you are wrong....the answer is that no body knows because noone has ever traveled the speed of light



    So why the dumb question if you already knew the answer?

    Please prove that I am wrong then and whilst you are proving that I am wrong learn to spell correctly .

    Such a curious place we are in. That the curvature of space has been proven to affect time, that there are so many interesting assumptions to be explored and exploited, that gravity is a weak force compared to electrostatic charge that seems weak but is not.  So the speed of light is not a constant and everything we thought we knew about the clockworks of the universe is now obviously a lie. "Oh my, what oh what shall we do?” said Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.


    Click, Click, Click,red shoes eh?

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