    If "God" is real and so powerful and loving, then why do all the bad things that happen out way the number of miracles ever day?

    Three years ago my twin brother had met a girl and after a couple of months got the nerve to ask her out. My brother had been divorced ffor about a year and for about 6 months the girl had been fighting to be single from her ex husband that had bet her for 10 years. He was so controlling that he never really let her go. My brother was so in love with her that he was blinded of the danger, and I had never seen her more happier. on the week anniversary of their 1st date  the two had went for dinner, returning to the girls mothers house to kiss her adorable little girl good night. Out from the woods runs the girls deranged ex swinging a 9mm. The girl ran and the ex started shooting, hitting her 5 times. while she lay on the ground dieing the little daughter comes out begging her daddy to stop. My brother did not run from him and only got shot once, in the corner of his right eye, killing him instantly as the young daughter watches the ex goes over to the girl on the ground and shoots his self in the stomach falling on top of the girl. Along with my faith and the desire to worship god they all three died. Now tell my brothers then 9 year old daughter and 6 year old son that there daddy is in a better place or that god had plans for there daddy. BULLSHIT. How about the little girl that saw her daddy kill her mommmy then his self. The man with the gun might as well been the almighty protecter him self, no way would any god of mine let this happen. by the way im not talking about traffic. 

    +4  Views: 932 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    What miracles? Other than the bible stories of proclaimed miracles, what other accountable miracles do you know of? Seems to me that all the miracles stopped after the bible was written and Christianity started. What does that tell you? God/Jesus packed up all his magic tricks and went home?

    15 Answers

    Because were living on hell


    We have been down this road countless times in the few short months that I have been here.  You are opening a can of worms, but it's your lunch....

    MY PERSONAL OPINION (and I am a Christian) IS:   If you have any insight to the Bible, you know that God wants a personal relationship with you .  He doesn't FORCE you to know Him.  You have the freedom of choosing what you think, feel, and do.  There is no omnipotent God pulling invisible strings on you, making you do anything.  It's all up to you.
    Since God isn't controlling every move we make, stuff is gonna happen that we aren't gonna like.   Wars, drive-bys, muggings, home invasions, drug addiction, murders, arson, DUI, etc.

    But what about tidal waves and hurricanes, you may ask.  I don't know how the weather works, but I doubt God is looking around trying to decide who to smite with a tornado.  I think humans have had a hand in mucking around with weather, too.  Correct me if you know better, cuz I 'm just suspicious.

    SO , in conclusion, I believe that God IS real AND powerful AND loving.  All the BAD things happen EVERY day and OUTWEIGH the miracles because God's NOT directing traffic. 


    The beauty of MY OPINION is that I don't have to change it because somebody, anybody, or everybody disagrees with it.
    Did your parents/guardian monitor and control every thing you said, did, or thought when you were a child. Were you followed everywhere you went to make sure not one BAD thing ever happened to you? Did someone run interference for you so you never had a consequence or punishment for exercising your freedom to choose and chose poorly?
    I didn't think so. From which it follows that they didn't exist or they just didn't care.

    Again with the rancid bait.

    Your anger over the senseless murder of your brother and this lady is justified and understandable. Please don't blame God for the actions of evil people. As Bob/PKB says, God offers his love but doesn't force it upon anyone. I am sorry for your loss.

    I have to add here that we tend to watch the news and read the papers and if you notice they tend to look for the bad things and capitalize on them. Even most television shows capitalize on violence as it oddly gets our attention. There are many things happening daily that could and are considered miracles but it's just not put out there like the negative stuff. I support your anger in this situation and have no right to tell you how you should feel but, your anger will eat you up. We are not puppets of God that He pulls the strings for His entertainment. We have free will and choices to make daily. In the name and love for your brother, I can see your anger towards violence. Maybe become an advocate for the men and women that are being threatend by their ex's.Find a way to heal through helping those in the same type of situation. I am so sorry for your loss. 

    Question: "Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?"

    Answer: This is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. God is eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Why should human beings (not eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent) expect to be able to fully understand God’s ways? The book of Job deals with this issue. God had allowed Satan to do everything he wanted to Job except kill him. What was Job’s reaction? “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15). “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised” (Job 1:21). Job did not understand why God had allowed the things He did, but he knew God was good and therefore continued to trust in Him. Ultimately, that should be our reaction as well.

    Why do bad things happen to good people? The biblical answer is there are no “good” people. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that all of us are tainted by and infected with sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). Romans 3:10-18 could not be clearer about the non-existence of “good” people: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one. Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Every human being on this planet deserves to be thrown into hell at this very moment. Every second we spend alive is only by the grace and mercy of God. Even the most terrible misery we could experience on this planet is merciful compared to what we deserve, eternal hell in the lake of fire.

    A better question would be “Why does God allow good things to happen to bad people?” Romans 5:8 declares, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Despite the evil, wicked, sinful nature of the people of this world, God still loves us. He loved us enough to die to take the penalty for our sins (Romans 6:23). If we receive Jesus Christ as Savior (John 3:16; Romans 10:9), we will be forgiven and promised an eternal home in heaven (Romans 8:1). What we deserve is hell. What we are given is eternal life in heaven if we come to Christ in faith.

    Yes, sometimes bad things happen to people who seem undeserving of them. But God allows things to happen for His reasons, whether or not we understand them. Above all, however, we must remember that God is good, just, loving, and merciful. Often things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. However, instead of doubting God's goodness, our reaction should be to trust Him. ”Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

    Recommended Resource: Wrestling with God: How Can I Love a God I'm Not Sure I Trust? by James Denison.


    granted these are not my words ,but i do honestly believe it's true......

    God set up the law of physics to protect us. So, it you fly a plane, it can go down , b/c of gravity. God invented fire to keep us warm and so we can cook.But, if  you or your child get too near to it ,or stick  your hand in it, you will get burned.  ......the same with water, etc.  He can't undo the law of physics for everyone every minute of the day, or there would be chaos.


    Im talking about awful human acts not accidents

    Note:  Please do not TU or Thank this answer. TD if you feel the need. TY

    Been giving more thought to your question and the circumstances surrounding it.  I can't begin to imagine the heartbreak and loss you are suffering; this has never happened to me.  Were I to suffer a traumatic loss (and I expect it will happen; why isn't relevant), I am pretty sure I would be devastated and immobilized, but I know that I wouldn't be cursing God.  My comfort would be found there.  My dad went into cardiac arrest during heart surgery back in 1993. I ran to the chapel and prayed.  I'm not the most "sold out" Christian, either, but He is where I go. I keep in touch with Him throughout the day.  My weak faith keeps me going.

    You will find people here to support your anger and distaste for God and others who will support faith in God and insist you will find comfort in Him.   At this point in your grief, I would encourage you to seek some serious grief counseling.  You have a huge responsibility to your niece and nephew.  The influence you have on how they grow and the people they become is partly on you. Kids aren't stupid; what they lack in experience they make up for with "intuition"......your words aren't ringing true with them.  

    You may want to actually tell them the truth....A man was so mad that his ex-wife liked their dad and went on a date to dinner with him that he got a gun and shot the lady, their dad, and then himself.  He left them without their dad and his own little girl an orphan.  Crying with them is OK.  It can be a way of learning to deal with disappointment, anger, and loss. One of them may become a grief counselor and help countless people as an adult.  What a fine tribute to your brother (and you) that would be. 

    IF your brother hadn't asked her out, IF she hadn't gone out with him, IF that guy hadn't been so full of pride..... they all made choices.  If you believe what is written in the New Testament, you know God didn't orchestrate the outcome.   I've been angry about my circumstances and expressed that anger to God.  But I can't just blame Him for those circumstances and stop believing in Him because I don't get what I want or something bad happens to people I love, or to me.  I believe He wants good stuff for me.  

    You be pissed on your own time, but don't do that to your brother's children.  Please get some counseling for yourself.  The anger will eat you alive.   

    I think I hear what you are saying Randy0922. You are not angry at God. You are angry at the words coming at you saying it was God's will. You are angry at the ones who, in your mind, are making God out to be a murderer as evident by the words given to you that, "god had plans for there daddy. " along with your own words, " The man with the gun might as well been the almighty protecter him self, no way would any god of mine let this happen." You believe God is love and God does not kill. You are correct. Man kills but they do so out of the free will that God gives everyone. Free will means just that, free will. God does not step in and get involved. This man who murdered your bother, his girlfriend and then killed himself will be accountable for his actions. Your bother and his girlfriend are together and exist in God's light and love. I believe they would want you to forgive and to put forth God's love rather than live in hurt and anger. Believe in God in your own way which I hope includes the belief that God will handle and take care of what needs to be taken care of.  Accept God or deny God in your own way. This is your free will and no one can ever tell you that you are wrong.  You must find your own way to heal. I trust that some day you will be able to do that. This is the best I can offer you in your time of grief. Peace be with you. 

    Some people believe that natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions are due to Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. Some people are crazy.

    I am very very sorry for all this that has happened to you and your family.  You will go through being very angry and have every right to be angry.  I do not know any right words to make your pain and that of those children go away.  I wish I did.  Please accept my sincere condolences for this horrific tragedy.  No one can tell you they know how you feel they have not walked a mile in your shoes.  I wish I could wish your hurt, pain, anger and all that you are going through away for I would do it if I could.  I wish for you and those children someone to come into your life that perhaps can offer comfort and empathy not throwing hurtful words at you.  Please know that I care I truly do.

    I am very sorry for your tragedy. I know I would be angry also.God has broad shoulders. He can take you being angry with him. Please get some therapy for yourself and the children. Maybe you can find some peace. Please accept my sincere sympathy

    Natural occurances are just the earth readjusting itself. Like a volcano is the earth burping or throwing up. A earthquake is the earth stretching so it won't tear or break in two. Just don't live near these areas.

    I've had a life of bad things happen to me, nothing as bad as you talked about, but each time I came closer to God and living for Him made things better and it can for you to but it will take time and lots of prayer, keep the faith and good can come from this too, God bless.

    Here we go again - religion & quotes from the bible AGAIN!! This is happening now every day. If this carries much longer on i for one will leave this forum.

    I second that keep there mumble jumble to themselves a load of crap lets help people with true words not the lying bible.

    Cheers Dowsa it's too late - i'm off

    Isn't this a forum for opinions and personal values to be shared? Religion and faith are among many people's values and life guidelines. Would faith other than "BIBLE" make you irritable, too?
    So many non-Christians here are "better" examples of intolerance and condemnation than any Christian I've ever encountered, Randy Palmer included.

    @Bob/PKB...intolerance and condemnation is loud and clear from BOTH directions, for sure.

    akaQa is not a Christian platform. We are not religious based. The Christian belief does not need to find it's way into every question on akaQA. We are a help site, not a Church. Keep your religion to yourself unless it is truly a religious question and open to all answers from all religions.
    ed shank

    @Colleen. Well said.

    The question directly addresses the issue of God.
    I get what Colleen is saying. It would be equally annoying if someone espoused drinking a case of beer every day to resolve the plights of the world. May work for some, but not everyone's cup/mug of brew (tea or ale).

    "The question directly addresses the issue of God."

    Correct, "the issue of God", not the issue of religion so religion should stay out of this. Address that there is a God. This can be done without religion.

    God is not a religion, religions are built around the the belief that there is a God and promote another's idea of who/what God is. Not all will share those belief. To automatically assume that when someone mentions God, they are talking about the Christian God is what can cause a problem. What I see here is a lot of people assuming Randy is speaking of the Christian God. He simply mentioned God.

    So, is God to blame for all the bad things that happen? In my opinion, no. My spiritual path has no part in my opinion on this. I will not tell you who I think God is or isn't but I also do not hold God accountable for the errors of mankind or natural disasters that are just that, natural disasters, Mother earth doing "her" thing.
    Biblical verses are not needed here as we do not know if Randy0922 is blaming the Christian God. I do not believe he is blaming God at all. I believe he is angry at the people trying to hold God accountable.

    Because we are to learn from our own mistakes and grow and mature from them,  just as a good parent does for the child they love.  Trouble is, we don't grow and learn because of our selfishness, so we make life on this earth very difficult for ourselves because we choose not to see beyond pleasures, or bad habits, etc.


    Sorry, you are right Randy0922, I did not post a clear answer. I will attempt to now. Let me take a broader view. I meant to say that in my belief, experience and understanding, God gave us all freewill in how we choose to live our lives and does not always step in to "fix" everything because we DO make our own choices and must live them, and many times they are bad choices and we must learn from them in order for us to grow and mature in our spirit. In having been given freewill we also have responsibility. This gives our lives great purpose and direction as opposed to simply being some creators hand puppet. If He fixed everything for us all the time, what is the point? What are we learning, how are we growing spiritually, why are we here? Of all the people you've ever known, whose life was without any difficulties? I'll venture to say none. That's the reason we are all here on earth; To experience difficulties in order to learn and grow spiritually from them. Some seemingly bad things happen to everyone, such as accidents addictions, illnesses, war, deaths......, and within these there are tools available to us to use to build spiritual strength and fortitude, individually AND as a whole, which we do in coping with and overcoming these bad experiences. Until we ALL, (not all of us at the same time, we are all in our individual place along the path), learn to take the right path and make the right decisions, spiritually and morally, in this world we are doomed to come back and experience it over and over, until we finally, individually, decide to get it right. When that happens, that is when we are truly in Heaven, eternally. We can then fully unite with God, the One. God does create miracles, large and small, all the time around the world, we just don't always see them happening or know of them, especially when it is preventing something negative from happening, and we never saw or knew of it because the miracle was an event that preempted it and occurred outside the scope of most people and our limited consciousness in this world. Miracles happen for the greater good, to bring about more good spiritually in our hearts and soul than could have happened if the event(s) were left to play out on their own. I agree with those who say it can be Hell on earth, but we have to learn and earn our way to Eternal Heaven by working our way through it and especially by rising above it.

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