    Is honesty always a good thing?

    I tend to give honest opinions and answers to people I know and to people I don,t, this seems to offend and shock at times,why?

    +10  Views: 1581 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good question, why don't you ask more?

    I was young and naive then.

    Oh! Imagine ROMOS being a "newbie".........

    14 Answers

    Honesty is the best policy but there are times when you do need to deliver the truth in a pretty package as the recipient may not care for the truth.  If they are of a nasty disposition, a control freak, a micro-management ninja or someone who was raised in a negative-filled environment, you may need to sugar coat the truth, roll it in sprinkles and hope for the best. 

    *Always wear protective gear and a very good pair of running shoes.


    Fishlet yeah right again huh. xo

    great answer Fishlet. To such people you give choices of answers based around the truth. Let the ball be in their courts.

    Sawali; When I was in school we played a game in gym class called, "murder ball" ... those kids that I have just described were seriously nasty with the ball... They don't change as adults. Sad and true.

    Honesty is the best policy but a little tact is in order as well..........


    Is,nt tact just being polite and economical with the truth ?

    Tact can be the difference between being heard or hurting feelings.........

    @ROMOS...(Sign in my house.)
    "Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic". Tsk, tsk, tsk. lol

    honest is truely the best policy , you'll never have any regrets....

    Honesty is always best, if you lie you will nearly always be found out,and you are cheating yourself as well as others.


    sunnyB - honesty yes in what you say and not necessarily a lie in what you do not say if you like economical with the truth - of course there are platforms to use this. Less said quickest mended sometimes.



    sawali - you are right but sometimes people deliver an unecessary honesty which can be damaging.LOL

    That's where intellect comes into play. You sift what's at hand.

    sawali - yeah that's the way it is - although not sure about intellect applying to me - humanity may be better but maybe that's bigging it up.

    When someone asks me a question I look into them to see what they really want to know. Not one word is needed and some folks leave at once when they realize what they just did by asking me their question. The ones that stay are a little shaken until they realize I’m no threat to them. I give them what they need which may have nothing to do with their question and they usually leave. Some will have a few more questions and then leave. They got what they came for and that is all they really wanted.


    robertgrist - such a good answerxo

    There are and have been times when it hasn't been and aren't. In Nazi-occupied Europe, being asked if you were Jewish by the Gestapo and responding "yes" could've been dangerous. If I go out with a girl who I think is as "ugly as sin" and she asks me if she is pretty, I wouldn't tell her "no", so as not to hurt her feelings.


    Clonge - good answer.

    England is in Europe i belive, and was not occupied by the Nazi,or have we missed somthing,

    hector5559 - yeah I guess you are right - we know England is not in Europe - Clonge is saying Nazi-occupied Europe for example maybe not being specific.

    Always the way to go. It will piss some people off, but F**k'em.

    Honesty is always the best policy remember the old saying oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive.......


    A touch of the Bard eh? Lots of culture on this site, but alas not I. yours,King of the fleas.

    Darci13 - Yeah - Sir Walter Scott - Scottish Author.

    You don`t know my wife.

    Honesty of course it is the best policy but I feel that if it is a sensitive issue or can upset the person to whom you are speaking - it has to be delivered in an intuiative way i.e. the person delivering the honesty being aware as far as possible as to what they are saying and the effect it will have on the other person - of course this would involve knowing that person but not necessarily It also depends on what one is being honest about and how much insight the other person has - may be a massive unhappy blow - albeit unintentional if the person doesn't have the insight and the honesty has to be doled out in small quantities and gently maybe with explanation. Sorry this sounds somewhat muddled.  


    Not muddled pops,sensible,which I'm not really,I like to say what I feel and bugger the consequences,I have lots of friends and lots of the opposite, such is my life,never do it in business though, doesn't pay the bills,

    ROMOS - make no mistake I can be brutally honest to those I feel deserve it - actually got me into a huge amount of trouble about seven years ago did not take the consequences into account - part of my problem. Hey I am having trouble with my broadband and would you believe the landline engineers on to this. There is this thing on the toolbar "Run PC" which substitutes the Ask a Question and gets going even when I am typing telling me how many errors I have even starts when I am typing and my internet page disappears they even have their icon is on my frontpage, tried deleting, having quitted but will not go away - tried ringing them but American Company but unavailable. Technology drives me crazy.LOL Hey your birthday is coming up - you monkey.

    Honesty is what Abraham Lincoln had. Do not worry about what other people think of you, just be honest, if they get offended, they probably are jealous!!!


    Even when they become unreasonably nasty and downright ridiculous?

    I would just walk away!!!

    Sometimes that is easier said than done. :(

    eggbert - not at all sure about Abraham Lincoln. Sounds good.

    Yes, and you know what they say:" The truth will set you free."  



    or maybe you'll get into a big trouble.     LOL! XD  

    You never susprise me Ted,


    hector...I'm very sorry. I just deleted your answer by mistake. Please go ahead and put it back. :(

    Dont matter Miss Ducky,i doubt that it was was of any importance,

    Everything you say is important hector. :)

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