    If you saw a woman hitting a man or berating him, would you stop her and tell her off?

    +2  Views: 783 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Assault is assault.  I'd also call for help.  If I had to exaggerate the situation, I would do so.  A smart man knows if he so much as lays a finger on a woman, even to defend himself, his ass is grass.  Verbal assault is just as aggressive and violent (that I have experienced; thankfully no physical abuse).

    ed shank

    Without knowing the situation calling the law is probably the best thing to do. She may have witnessed a pervert assaulting a young kid, who knows. If a couple are out to dinner and the man is attacked, oh well I say slap B****h back.

    i hate to see the guy take the rap for defending himself. This is California.

    Sorry, my TU did not follow through.

    Benthere; not to worry! :D

    I called the police one night, while witnessing a woman being very violent towards a man.  They asked who was fighting whom.  When I said that a woman was beating up a man, they responded that he can probably take care of himself. 

    They didn't ask anything about size...I'll add this...she was considerably larger than he and by my observation, much stronger!!!  Talk about!!!


    ......and the police wonder why there is much less respect for them nowadays. I could tell you a few stories, too......


    Call the law


    It was a law-man she was hitting her husband Heee

    dowsa heeeeee oxoxoxox

    Call police, let them deal with it.

    Any assault is sickening to me,i would not personally get involved as i am sure the guy could restrain her if he really had to.If i seen a man hit a woman i would have no hesitation in intervening .


    I guess that is a 'No' then. She can be violent and you would take no steps to stop her.

    Surely the guy can at least over power her,how bad is this woman ?

    i dont see wh y a man would let a woman whip ass, after all they are stronger than us. he dont have to hit her, just grab her up so she cant move

    I'd butt in, a bad habit of mine.  I'd tell her she really shouldn't be acting that way in public..........

    No..perhaps if it were a man hitting a women i would intervene.


    why one way traffic,daren?

    more like a dead end..

    Would you call the police?

    if it were an outright beating ..yes, a lovers quarell probably not.

    It might be hard to tell the difference.

    So, there IS an excuse for violence, daren1, if it is a woman doing it?

    Personally, I can see the point in not intervening when a woman is being violent, as she is very likey to make a false allegation against you.

    As for men being stronger than women and 'should be able to take care of himself' (not your arguement, I know, but raised by some others) I fail to see how that is anything but an excuse for women's violence.

    It is also blaming the victim.

    Men are excoriated from childhood for even thinking about hitting a woman, but girls and women seem to have little social approbation when they hit a male.

    Some of the responses on this question are eye opening but all too common.

    No. If he won't backhand the B***h that's his problem.


    Hee Haw,that,s rich.

    I don't know why I like you so much. Really starting to wonder about myself....
    ed shank

    Your making an old dude blush, don't stop.

    I would call 911 but I would still say something to try to stop it.

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