    It's sizzling here.How's your weather?

    It's just hit 34 deg Celsius (About 92 F).& it's going to get hotter.Whew!!

    +7  Views: 951 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    I'm sorry for you Tommyh! Cannot stand that kind of heat, especially if there is high humidity. We've had our summer here in the US already. Getting ready for a very cold front to move through here tonight. Rain and then possibly snow flurries tomorrow. May see them as I live in the mountains of N.C. Cold weather is really just getting started here. Our summer was terribly HOT. Glad it's over, but kind of dread winter,too, as the past two have been horrific. Hope there is no repeat! If you can stay wet and hydrated!

    Humidity is up in the 90s too.Thunder storm threatening.

    18 Answers

    I have to say it's a good thing you have a cutability factor going on or you would be up that water system with an axe... no canoe and no paddle...

    It is bloody cold and bloody wet here!

    Le' Poop!


    yeah but you will have a nice white Christmas too,won't you?

    Probably not... just a whole bunch of rain.

    G'day Tommy, beautiful  one day , hot the next, you can't expect to have perfect weather all the time , if you did you would be living in Sth. Aussie. lol.


    We have been considering it.Not because of the weather tho.

    I was only joking, if icould afford it ,QLD. is the ideal state.

    In Ohio (USA) for this time of year it's been nice (50's & 60's F) but that's about to change real soon,the cold & snow is on it's way.You have yourself a nice summer.


    Thanks Rick.have a nice white christmas.

    I could do without the WHITE in christmas,we get hit pretty bad here on the great lakes,if it was'nt for fish girl I'd put a 100 foot wall up between her & I,for that's where we get the white stuff from.

    Yeah, have a great white xmas, RICK, i know i will be waiting a very long time for one. lol.

    can't complain it's in the mid 60s, the sun shinning....

    West Lancashire UK 9 cold and really bad wind though dry and some sun .....A large ship sank last night in the Irish Sea 6 men are still missing the hull cracked due to high winds


    Awww..sadness for many. :(

    Ducka yes very sad! xx

    Overcast - 10 degree  C - windy with showers ...... (Yorkshire UK). 

    Beautiful in Pennsylvania. Upper sixties for the last couple days, and for the next few as well.

    It's a beautiful but windy day here in Texas, 57 degrees F. but supposed to get down to freezing during the night.  We brought the plants in........


    The google thing isn't working on my end! I will fiddle with it tomorrow.

    Wet and windy, and getting colder here in Essex UK.


    Same here 500ml north,but much colder.

    Where are you ROMOS Yorkshire ? or more north than that.

    sunnyB Romos is in Scotland and hat part of essex are you in I know Essex quite well oxoxox

    Hi Mel I'm in Colchester

    It is raining here has been all day.

    I live in New England and was out and about all day and evening with no jacket and only short sleeves. Extremely unusual for this time of year.

    Winter storm warnings and advisories about 20 miles south and east.For a change Lake Michigan is keeping us warmer!

    11/29    It's the first day the fog and overcast hasn't "burned off".  Gray skies and biting cold; dreary and depressing.  Gotta buy a sunlight if I'm gonna make it through 3 months of this crappy weather.

    Tommyh....only 34c   lots hotter here (o.k not much hotter but just as bad) really high humidity, I hate summer and the air con really gets a work out, I have it on all night, every night, might need another job to pay the ridiculous electricity costs


    Same here with the A/C. My wife suffers in the heat.Our daughter has MS so she needs A/C 24/7.
    I am more acclimatised to the heat because I have been an outdoor worker all my life.

    If you do not have and can afford about two and a half grand get solar electricity on your house roof.
    We did and our bill was normaly in the $150 to $200 and last one was $43.43.
    We have solar hot water also have had for 20 years.

    Storms on thursday Tommy and drop in temperature so they say but, boy do we need rain up here on the Sunshine Coast.

    People on tank water are starting to suffer.


    yeah I hope you get a bit of rain PL.

    peoplelove did the storms eventuate? they didn't down here on the northern rivers, no rain either

    Lamb shank today is Thursday and to date nothing.

    39 degrees F and falling here in mid Michigan

    I'm not far from fishgirl so the sad prognosis is rain, rain, rain and a slight chance of flurries.Oh what I would do to experience some heat right now!

    I live in Los Angeles, California, USA, and right now it's about 23 degrees Celsius, (63 degrees F), I'm more familar with Celsius then with F.


    Are you a Brit or an Aussie Or a kiwi living in LA? How come you are more familiar with Celsius?
    I usually have to convert back to Fahrenheit for the benefit of the Yanks here.

    I used to live in China, and in China we use Celsius

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