    What's the wackiest Christmas present you ever got?

    A few years ago my mother in law gave me a singing fish.You hang it up on a wall & everytime you walk past it burst into song."Meet me at the river" or "Don't worry be happy".

    I hated the bloody thing but had to put it up where she would see it in our house.

    +8  Views: 1120 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    OMG!! We sold that horrid thing at the store I worked at! With people wanting to play it all the time I reached a point where I wanted to smash the thing with a hammer, which we also sold. Sorry for you.

    It had a most unfortunate accident about mid January that year.It fell off the wall & was impossible to repair.LMAO

    That's just awful, sorry to hear of the "accident". Hope you found something equivalent to replace??


    Tommy thats was sooooo funny we also had that as a pressie once you know the same thing happened to ours! isnt that wierd! heee oxoxoxox

    I got one of those singing fish too. It was a popular gag gift years back. Its in some New Jersey landfill now.

    TSC. The bloody thing is probably still singing under 30ft of garbage.LOL

    13 Answers

    The weird gift giving is MY thing.  Last year I gave my youngest son a large red button thing that he put on the dash of his truck.  Whenever he has an issue with another driver (tailgating him, cutting him off, etc.) he can depress the red button and a "red neck" voice will issue an insult for him.  "What's your hurry, a-hole? Wal-Mart is open all night" for example.   Guess which finger he uses to press the button....My middle son received a large nose that dispense soap or shampoo through the nostrils. I t sticks to the shower wall with suction cups. I also gave him green liquid soap!!!  



    Hi fish girl: Some people don't really think when they are gift-giving. I try to give unique but useful gifts that people will enjoy and remember me. I never got silly with gifts for my sons before, but will probably continue looking for the absurd from now on. :D

    For Christmas,  a $200.00 gift certificate, the dentist!!  From my husband and  I was less than thrilled.  My teeth are strong and healthy but just hadn't been in a while and he thought I would appreciate.  Needless to say a few days later another gift surfaced, a beautiful piece of jewelry!   Redemption.    What goes on in the minds of men? 


    he just wants you to look your best.Selfish bugger.LOL.

    Actually looks had nothing to do with it, I just hadn't a tartar cleaning in a while and had been commenting/complaining that I needed to go. Hence, the Christmas gift. Misguided, I suppose. He was forgiven as he truly meant well!

    You do know... that is very cute. :)

    Thank you FishGirl...........

    HE LISTENS TO YOU! That man is a keeper!

    michmart, not a lot

    Lambshank, gk, it took me a minute b

    Lambshank, sorry, seem to have had some technical issues. Yes, you are right. Sometimes I wonder, but, as I said he meant well....

    Last year my auntie sent me a christmas card with a $1 scratchie in it,  im far from an ungrateful person but this woman is NOT poor.  The rest of the family couldnt understand it either. 


    Would have served her right if you'd won something with it.LOL

    Oh, know I understand,.......a "scratchie" is a lottery ticket!! Yes, I so wish you had won BIG!!

    I also give scratch-offs for Christmas. I put one in everyone's cards even the kids and also for friends.I get inexpensive Christmas little glass or plastic boxes or coffee cups, fill them with candy and put a scratch-off in it. My Friends love getting them every year and co-workers too. I've had people win up to $100.00, so sometimes it turns into a great gift. They are not cheap either. I spend $25-$50 a season on them.

     a box of frezer pops from my grand mother . she was a bit old at the time, it;s the thought that counts..


    How sweet! Did you check the expiration date??

    on my grandmother ?

    Toilet paper.  Gal at the office party thought it was a gag gift party.  NOT, people were opening beautiful ornaments, vases, candles, nice stuff so I pick out what I thought was a Christmas pillow and low and behold it was an extra large strong pack of TP.  I left there the next year. 


    At least it was a gift that you could use.LOL

    I received toilet paper with Santa Heads on it...every year I put it out for use on the special day and every year the guests use the other bathroom. I have had the same roll for the past five years.

    My brother gave me a large dill pickle. It was wrapped in a dozen boxes, each one larger than the last, and the whole thing was weighted with bricks. To top it off, he wrapped it in expensive gold foil wrap, tied it with an extravagant bow, and included an expensive, sentimental card. We laughed until we cried and our bellies ached for hours.

    All of these stories and I can't think of a single one.  I will, I'm sure, the minute I hit the send button......

    Christmas dishes. Used once and kept in the attic since.

    Moved and they got tossed.

    One year my mother in law gave me size 11 slippers, (i wear 7's) , a pair of pink and orange plaid slacks, way to big and a beautiful sweater that would have covered 1 boob, not both. None of this was returnable. Had every thing fit I would have been one screwy looking girl. After that I gave her a detailed list with sizes and colors. She would sometimes slip but most of the time she stuck to the list.

    A brother. Yep born on Christmas day. Would have preferred a puppy.


    Thats cool.

    At least you didn't have to house train him I s'pose?
    ed shank

    He was and still is the biggest pain in the ass in the family. A Cardiologist with an ego as big as the universe. I love doing the city thug routine when ever we get together for the holidays. He doesn't like being reminded from where he came. We are philosophically different, but I still love him.

    We got a 18inch high Santa who when you push the button , Shakes his butt and sings "Shake your booty" He also sings "who let the dogs out" Kids love it!

    Tommyh, hubby no 2 went a long time ago, so lets hope 3 is lucky!!


    hahaha! good luck Lambsy!!

    wet weather gear for a motorbike I didn't own or have a license for, but I got a license , loved the bike . unfortunately it was never there when hubby no.1 wanted to ride it.( made sure of that)  next year I bought him a boat and showed him by brand new boat license, the best present he bought me was an ironing board, told him it was so good Id never want to spoil it, so he had to do his own ironing after that one.,after that he just gave me gift cards, I had the best looking dress in divorce court!!


    Better luck with hubby #2 Lambsy!LMAO

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