    For Sale.. Everything in my house!

    Apart from selling everything I own... How to I tame the clutter? (shoes, clothes, toys, bookbags, clothes, dishes, blankets, clothes.... ect.)

    +3  Views: 781 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago


    Bahahahaha!!!! Love you Fishy

    17 Answers

    I take two garbage bags and a box into a room at a time. Bag#1 is garbage, bag#2 is recyclables and the box is for donation. Anything left over I find a spot where it belongs and immediately get the bags and box out of the house.


    I try I try, but the little monkeys always get into the to go bag.

    I  put things aside that I no longer not use and date them.   Once a month or so I look at the stuff that is a year old.

    Some stuff I take out, if i can now use them, but since I obviously did not use some of the stuff in a year I give it to the Salvation Army or take it to the semiannual rummage sale held at my church.


    Charity shops will collect.

    Buy big cartons to put everything in and let them clutter up your house. (and rest assured that you are not alone in this venture................)

    I burned a dinning room set this evening in the fire pit that my wife has been cluttering my man cave with for two years. I finally got the nuts to do it. Ahhh, feels good.

    ed shank

    I can't imagine what my house would look like if I didn't do a little "Thinning out" every now and then. I "HATE" clutter.

    LOL... we set our couch on fire in the front yard about a month after we moved in (16 yrs ago), Oh the memories.... There were bees nesting in it.

    Fish my daughter read your macaroni comment and said.. " someone opened the door to the coo coo barn."

    I feel your pain Jenn........

    Try advertising on Gumtree & Craigslist.It's free & pretty effective.

    I would help you out & buy something but the cost of shipping to Aust would be pretty high & I don't think your shoes & stuff would fit me anyhow.

    Hi Jenn wish I lived near you I could help .......right 1st thing to do make piles of stuff and put on the floor the things you want to keep and the stuff you want rid of then....the stuff you keep try and put in order ie if there is paper waork you need to keep sort out and put into folders and write what they contain next the stuff you are selling put in garage and sort out ie orniments-clothing-furniture-or just brica brac put all these in or on tables ready for garage sale if you cant move any of the stuff from house put sticky sale signs on the items and put a price and try and decorate the item you selling these will make it more put all these items together eg.... all toys together...clothes try and use hangers they look better and you can ask more money for them give them a polish and again you can ask more money for them......I do hope this works or just a little peice of every ones advice and you wont go wrong GOOD LUCK oxoxoxox


    Good Luck with it .....Think of those who could use what you can not...................

    Sell your kids and send all their stuff with them. End of clutter.  ""



    I find that, after a while, I don't really "see" the clutter.  I have to take a serious look around my place and throw out, sell, donate, give to someone (anyone), and sell those things that, not only have I not USED in a year, but haven't even NOTICED in a year.  I conclude that the sentimental value is gone and it's time for those things to go too. It feels so good to look at "fresh neatness".

    If you keep it because "you may need it one day", you can always buy a newer version of same.


    I keep nothing... I am the salvation Armys' biggest fan.

    My dad had a sign in the mechanic's area of the trucking company he owned.  It said , "PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT".   That is one good lesson to learn and practice.  When something isn't put away where it belongs, you might think you've lost it, buy another, and then find the first one later.  Eventually, you could end up with 2 of everything!
    little janey gets rid of things that she hasn't used in one year.  This should include clothing, shoes, colognes, nail polishes, kitchenware, get the picture.  Using Mom's method can simplify this procedure.  Keepsakes you don't want to continue to display should be carefully wrapped and stored in a box of its own....labeled.
    Right now, agree to not splurge on anything for anyone until you can see the walls and floors in every room of your house.  
    I don't know how old your children are, but they may be old enough to put away their own laundry (after you and Dad help them learn how to fold).  Special assignments for the kids, with some small reward at the end of the week , get everyone involved in the upkeep of the domicile.  
    It's hard to let go of stuff we think we are going to use some day.   Don't make any snap judgment....repent at leisure!
    Good Luck.  I have a friend who rearranges the living room nearly every month. It helps her keep this "up to date".  This should NOT affect her doing her homework.


    The monkeys are 15 and 12. And can wash dry and fold on there own.. It is the taking off of sports clothes and, bed clothes and house clothes, where ever they are staning that kills me... Oh and the to time to fold. Ihate luandry.. but nothing feels better than to have it all clean folded and put away.

    My to-do list today starts with laundry. Just putting it away. My drawers need to be rearranged as I sold a 6-drawer bureau, but the rearranging is specifically forbidden today (it says so on the list).
    Perhaps a laundry basket in each bedroom? Do they know how much it distresses you to have dirty laundry just dropped about? In their own rooms is one thing, but not throughout the house! For some reason, my sons weren't bad about getting their clothes to the laundry baskets or putting away their clothing. Of course, their "shortcomings" are a little more serious....
    Try talking with them again and let them know how the laundry issue is so stressful for you.

    Jenn you got anything good you wanna send me?


    things I need to get rid of... Tony little Gazelle, elliptical, clothes.
    Thing I need to organize... Box of family photos, shoes, clothes.

    You sound like me Jenn I know what you mean moving 3 times in the last year I still have boxes everywhere do not know where anything is and so tired when I come in from work to deal with it , but deal with it we must at some point right? Geezzzzzzzzz I'll help you if you help me.

    Goodwill can always use donations.

    why FOR SALE? just give it away to Salvation army, Goodwill and others. Trying to sell will take long and really not worth.


    I takes at least 6 huge black trsh bags of clothes a year to S.A.

    maybe you should contact the producers of the tv series "horders', they clean it up for you and you might make a few bucks...


    it is not that bad... Just not what I want it to be.

    you know i'm just teasing..

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