    I pray all of you AKAers have a Happy Thanksgiving

    +10  Views: 1084 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Happy American Thanksgiving everyone!


    My thanks to you... I plan on a quiet dinner at the Catholic church.  Sadly, no left overs at my house this year but, I'm going to a neighbor's on the 10th.. Kind of a pot luck, in between the holidays affair........


    I hope someone shares their leftovers with you. I always cook extra so that I will have leftovers. Have a Happy Holiday season, to you and to everyone!!!!

    como sabio y que Dios los bendiga, así ..

     Thanksgiving Carving  Happy Thanksgiving  everyone oxoxox


    Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving,this is going to be quite different for me this year.1st our oven went out last week and I don't have the money right now for some one to look at it and we already have the bird so a friend is going to let us use a spare she has in her basement,going tonight to pick it up but here's the thing,my van does'nt have the right plates on it (they are off a car that I scrapped a while back)they are my plates and the sticker is good,they just don't belong to my van and the stove won't fit in our car which have the right plates on it,so I'm scared of getting stopped in the van with the wrong plates for they will impond it which I could'nt afford to get out anytime soon,so I just don't know what to do but I guess I'am going to chance it.The reason I don't have the right plates on the van is because before I can get plates I have to have it inspected and I have a ABS light on on the dash and they won't inspect it with that light on,I know there's nothing wrong with the brakes(I think it is just a short),I'm working on getting the light to go out but that does'nt help me right now this close to Thanksgiving...So it goes!!!!!  LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to make matter's worst,if they haul my van away,they will also be hauling this person's stove away...oh boy!!!!! Man it sucks to be me!!!


    Oh my, I wish you the best Rick!! If it helps your worry, my brother drove his truck for 2 years unregistered. He never got caught. Just drive to not draw attention to yourself. My fingers are crossed for you!

    Good Luck Rick... things will get better. Keep saying that to yourself... it works.

    Rick, how did it go? We don't have to bail you out of jail do we? ;)

    Nope,no bail needed tonight,my brother-inlaw helped me out with his truck,took me three hour's to clean that thing tho,but it was worth it,so everything's a go for thanksgiving.Thanks for asking and wishing a happy thanksgiving to all.I hope my jail day's are long gone,the food is pretty bad.:)

    So, when you look at the whole picture, ya got a coupla things to be real thankful for! Happy day and many blessings, Rick.
    Yep, jail food leaves much to be desired. My middle son is there this year....pray it will never happen again; he'll make smarter choices.

    I'm glad it worked out for you in a better way Rick. Hope you had a great Turkey day!!

    Rick I am sooooo sorry too hear a bout your situation I do hope it gets better for you wishing you loads of luck and more luck it really makes you think how lucky you are when I hear storys like yours oxoxoxox

    Naughty Things You Can Say Only On Thanksgiving

    1. I didn't expect everyone to come at once! 

    2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist 

    3. It's Cool Whip time! 

    4.  If I don't undo my pants I'll burst! 

    5. That's one terrific spread! 

    6. Its a little dry, do you still want to eat it? 

    7. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!

    8. How long will it take after you stick it in? 

    9. Just spread the legs open & stuff it in.

    10. You still have a little bit on your chin.



     (l)  (l)

    good turkey!

    YUM...... The leftovers are just as good in my humble opinion!! Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.I am the luckiest man on earth!

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