    If I won $100,000 in the lottery I'd spend almost all of it on booze and chasing women. I'd just waste the rest. What would you do ???

    +7  Views: 929 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    If I gave some to my family, especially my step-daughter, they'd piss it up a wall . My uncle used to say that. I didn't originate that saying

    MCM .... I lke that answer....

    20 Answers

    I wouldn't waste a penny. I'd spend it ALL on booze.


    digger .... a well thought out answer. I'm giving you an A+.

    Well, I take these sort of questions very seriously and put much thought into my answers. Glad you appreciate my effort.

    You are a real thinker, you are! :D

    I know. Just like my hero, Johnny A.MacDonald. Eh?

    I think you have him beat! You are funnier. :D

    Who is this Johnny A MacDonald? Only one I can find is first prime minister of Canada.

    Indeed he was. Canada's first Prime Minister. My avatar. Handsome chap, wasn't he ?

    Maybe we should change the name of akaQA to AA

    John A McDonald was also know for his giganic sense of humor... Who do you think first said, "You are going the wrong way!"
    It wasn't John Candy.

    Gift it to my family.


    What for? So THEY can blow it all on booze ?

    Yes! You know it!

    fish girl. Thanks. But are you sure ?? I don't like to spend money foolishly.
    Headless Man

    I have given money to family and down a rat hole would been as good, family needs to learn to earn so it's appreciated, however there are acceptance like health or accident.

    Everyone of my faily members needs something. I would like to buy them the 'something' or at least contribute to it... "A Little Happy!" as my Aunt calls it.

    Pioneer2... It's my pleasure. Enjoy!

     Money 2 Banana Not enough Money to go bananas on give it to my family and have new kitchen



    Nothing wrong with your current kithchen it cooks yummy stuff.

    PEOPLELOVER thanks for the comment but we are haveing that wall taken down to open up the kitchen plus we will get more light in the kitchen I will send photos when its done thanks love as always mel xxx PS see my other Answer!

    your right mel, but as said, think of all that booze and the party you could throw.

    lanbshank your invited! oxoxox

    Well a Hundred grand wouldn't buy a house,so i would re-furnish,buy a newer model car and  have a holiday.

    100,000 isn't much, neither is a million. It would soon go.


    It would go very quickly. Sad actually.

    After taxes I would have about 70,000. Guess it would be time for a couple new vehicles and take the wife out to dinner. 


    flip, she may enjoy the dinner, not sure about the new vehicles, it could buy her lots of great shoes tho

    I'd travel the worlds poorest places and help out those in need till the well ran dry..


    Strange but nice thinking . I would invest in something that gave a return had little overhead and would never run out .Then that money would go to those in need . That way the good deed would never stop . I like your thinking .

    Brand new Mobile home for me, then off to New Orleans Weeeeeeeeeeee.


    Can you get a new mobile home for $100,000?

    Yes way under a $100,000

    Mobile Homes For Sale $19900, Manufactured Homes with 10 year warranties in
    CA, AZ, NM & NV. Factory Expo Home

    Never did understand why people buy mobile homes and live in hurricane country . Better off with a submarine and a big dock . Music is good there so is the food . Have Big fun . May your dreams come true . Bill


    Oh, The home would stay in NM but I would go to New Orleans for the fun of it.

    I'd buy the rest of my street.


    Do you own much of your street already?

    ed,don't you like your neighbors?
    ed shank

    @lambshank, I bitch about them a lot but they really are fine people though.
    @Bob/PKB, I do own most of the street, 100 grand would buy the remaining 200 feet.

    Set up $25,000 tax free, highest yield possible investment accounts for my 2 granddaughters (with a responsible adult as conservator); pay off the car; 1/10 to church.  Fix my home up a bit.  Put the rest into "savings"

     Plane 1 changed my mind Peoplelover said that if we paid for him to come over and he will look after the cats while we have a Hoilday so thats what we  would do with the 100k



    Is that Peoplelover in the cockpit of that plane? Is he blinking every time a cloud does a "near-miss"?? :o)

    Flip yes its PEOPLELOVER he had to many whiskys whilst in flight heee xxx

    That's one hell of a hangover! OUCH!!!


    Thanks Shootah. NOT all at Once.....

    You sure got that right...:)

    I can't think of anything else.

    Have fun.

    10% would go directly to my church, 50,000 would go to pay on my house and the rest I would give to people less fortunate than me. If taxes didn't take it

    digger ......  I'm happy to see you recognized the seriousness of the statement and then the question.   I did feel just a tad guilty about those last dollars that were going to be wasted. You did make me reconsider.   

    Any relation to Digger O'dell        ........  the friendly undertaker /////  ?????


    No. I'm another kind of digger.

    pay a few bills, help a few people, save a bit, visit las vegas.

    I don't think 100k would clear my kids mortgage so there's no use in giving it all to them.Perhaps half.& invest the rest in cigarettes,whiskey & wild,wild,women.

    Pay off everything I owe and purchase a home of my own and hopefully then I could retire in a year or two......

    " I don't play the (Lottery); I made my fortune the "Old Fashion way"; I was extremely nice to a "filthy-rich" relative just before they croaked ! "  ;)

    Tommyh .....  Great answer.  Especially that investment in cigaretts, whisky and wild wild women.   I know  you are a thinking man .........


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