    would like your thoughts on a community garden

    A few of us have gained council land and permission to start a community garden, we would like to involve everyone that is interested and also the local primary school children, should we sell the produce or donate it? if we sell what do you think we should use the money for, we are a bit divided on this and unable to agree

    +4  Views: 721 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Sell enough to cover costs of re-seeding the following year, including basic equipment. Then the remainder of it could go to charity. The important thing would be to make it self sustaining, otherwise it sounds like it would only be a one time event..


    Good thinking Shootah.

    This sounds like a wonderful project.  The community gardens in this area usually donate to the local food banks and community kitchens... either one of your ideas sound wonderful.


    There is a community kitchen,not too far, that sounds like food for thought!!

    Some of the community gardens around use the food for the growers and then donate to senior centers and food pantries. However selling to get school equipment sounds good too!

    What a great learning experience this can be for kids (and also some adults).  They can learn about vegetables, flowers, how to grow, water, weed, the names of them, how to harvest them and when, how to cook them and serve them, what the plants look like when they are small (babies) or seeds, the cost of producing fresh food, the whole process from beginning to end.  Some kids/adults seem to think that everything just comes from the shelf at the grocery store. I think that all involved (keep track of hours) should get to take it home to their own familiies.


    Ducky, I hope to get the kids involved as this is such a small town there isn't much for them to do except get into strife, also some here from a nearby mission don,t eat or get looked after terribly well so Im hoping this may provide an outlet as well as education, we need to make it fun for them, that could be the hard part

    I think that this is a great thing that you are doing. Often, just getting kids together to do a project, IS fun for them, especially when they know that they can relax and laugh while working. Good luck with this idea. :)

    i can't answer the detail of this question, but from the grand idea of it, it sounds great! a community garden.  that's what we should do around the world instead of having wars.


    tabber, we are hoping to promote community spirit and involement, agree with you, more productive than war.

    A fantastic project. Now save all the money generated and grow the necessary grains for beer and start a Micro brewery. The bucks will roll in and you'll be able to build a community center in no time.


    oh ed, we think so much alike, beer will get me everytime.Then again don't mind a gin and tonic either, vodka and passionfruit..the possibilties
    ed shank

    I've got the land, lets do it. Just bring the seeds.

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