    What causes pain in the area just behind the ankle?

    +1  Views: 814 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    When you sit with socks and shoes off  are both feet aligned and not rolled over . Its possible that you have torn a tendon .Thats what keeps you feet from falling over . Hard to explain but if this is the case it will be very pronounced  and easy to see. Requires surgery to repair and awhile on crutches . I had this so I speak from experience . I hope this is not the issue in your case . It dont take much t o tear one .                            Bill

    I also am having some very chronic pain behind my heal-I lip a lot walking due to the pressure causing so much pain! Its right behind my ankle, well around from my ankle bone. Trying to try to tell as much as I can. Above the heal. I touch that area and want to scream! lol sorry don't mean to be so dramtic but it really hurts. What do they do for this-or is it heat/ice and rest.

    Oh, the other day for some reason it calmed down-(Im not complaining! lol) The it seems, of course the more I'm on my feet it came back with a venges!


    Thank you for reading and any help :)


    It could be tendenitis of the achilles tendon.

    A dog nipping at your heels?

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