    How many hours do you sleep at night?

    Do you feel rested when you get up?

    +3  Views: 1032 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

     PJs8 hours must have that other wise I am crankey  



    Yeah, for me it has to be 8 or more.

    winfia yea no what you mean thanks for the comment xxxx

    Usually 5-6 hrs. lately. Been under  a lot of stress with my dog chesters kidney failure. I am still tired in the morning.


    So sorry to hear about Chester ...

    Ann I do hope Chester is getting a bit better my preyers for him god bless chester he must get better they are such a worry I am thinking of you ANN xxxx

    Ann I have posted a Question for Chester to get better and for everyone to send some preyers xxxx

    Thank you Winfia. He was diagnosed in April 2010 w. renal failure. He has lost 10 lbs. since then. I am doing everything I can. I have to leave it in Gods hands and I am praying for a miracle.

    Mel, thank you so much for your prayers. I took him to the Vet Yesterday and he had to get fluid and Vit. B injected. I have to inject more fluid under his skin today,and for the next three days,to flush out his kidneys, because he is not eating. I hope and pray its helping him. So hard to see him that way. I am asking god to help him get better and I am praying a lot, that he is not suffering. Love, Ann

    Usually about 8 hours, and I wake up feeling fine. Had a bit of stress latley so tend to wake up about 4am and find it difficult to get back to sleep, unitil its time to get up, then I could sleep for hours. Problems always seem alot worse during the night don't they?


    If I go to bed really exhausted, then I wake up around 3 am and have a hard time going back to sleep. So I try to wake up a bit before I go to sleep. Wierd, huh?

    10, I'm old  I'm sure some of the drugs I take make me sleep long........


    legal drugs.


    Woah boy, you need to get your head screwed on right!
    Headless Man

    Boy thats an

    not nearly enough maybe 4 if i'm lucky, but i make up for it at work..(i'm laid off right now)


    I could absolutely not get by on 4 hours sleep. I would be a raving maniac! And a sleepy one as well!

    8  ideally  but its not unknown for me to doze off in the afternoon.But when i wake up im so annoyed with myself for wasting the time.Funny enough,had a problem getting to sleep last night,in fact i nearly came down to see what akaqa -ites were up to!

    about 5. then in the afternoon another 1.


    I love to nap during the day but don't unless I 2 or 3 hours to spare!

    I do my best on 9 hours. If I get less than that, I really get drooppy in the afternoon.


    winfia it wont let me TU AGAIN also the last three answers xxxx

    ah well ... I am still finding TUs when I go back to my questions that I KNOW I've already given. Seems like this could be fixed in view of the fact that we did go to the moom and back. How hard could this be?

    As many the "wife allows which is not many 8 hours lazy bugger in the summer 4 to five hours

    I sleep for about 2 hours then I'm awake for 1 hour- So maybe 5or6hours if I'm lucky It has been like this for forty years!!!


    It's horrid isn't it see every hour on the hour . My wife says Iam a sleep so I must be dreaming I'm awake

    dunc That is a possibility. I just get angry when I can't get back to sleep!

    Sounds a bit like my husband. He wakes up every hour, so he says. I just cannot imagine. Sounds dreadful.

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