    can anybody give a clue as to what can't be said? (i think that is a bad question : - / )

    if you could answer it you could be busted

    0  Views: 623 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    In a nutshell, get along and have fun. Vulgar speech, not acceptable. Calling people derogatory names (like bi*ch), not acceptable. There's not really any rules about general talking. Like if you want to say I had a hell of a day....not a problem. Mostly the members end up moderating each other. There will be fights and generally they are let go because it's people blowing off steam. (Well I guess that was the old forum. I haven't really seen it on this new forum) Basically, just respect that there are a lot of people here either answering, or viewing who you wouldn't want to offend. You're Ok itsmee. You worry too much, lol You do just fine and are very helpful. That's what this forum is all about. Helping others, getting to know each other and having fun doing it. The offensive questions and the vulgarly worded questions are the ones that don't last long. This is a community and everyone should work together to make it a cool place for people to come and get some help when they need it. ;)

    Interactive discussions and debates are highly recommended also. It doesn't have to be just answering questions.

    The only way I can think of to leave a message when you're not around. Can you look at Gran & her teeth please. The first answer is cruel & I don't know what's available in the USA. Thanks

    thanks coleen.
    someone keeps this place fairly clean and not too mean.

    suliz, I'm not sure what question you're talking about or who Gran is. We have about 7 people registered with some form of gran in their name. If you think a comment is bad or mean or out of line, just go to the "contact" link at the bottom of this page and type in the person's name and the name of the thread they commented in, or copy/paste the thread link. There are a few more moderators, I'm not the only one and one of them can check into it for you. This way it issue isn't left hanging for hours if I'm no longer on line.
    thank you ; ) i'll be anxiously awaiting that one
    thank you ; ) i'll be anxiously awaiting that one

    She is here, & I told her the question had been asked.
    Nothing so drastic :-) There are guidelines and Colleen will advise. I don't think she's around right now so do check back.
    Are you talking about this site or in general as far as the site is concerned i think that the correct wording is very important and then almost anything can be excepted .As in real life to say someone's baby is ugly would be unexceptionable even if it was lololl.

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