    Friends, Romans and Countrymen may I borrow your ears? Do you know that you are not eating real honey in the USA? That so-called “honey” isn’t even technically honey. Most of it is made of cheap “mystery” sweeteners, illegally imported from China.

    +3  Views: 796 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Buy your honey at a farmers market from folks who have their own hives. In fact if the bee die off isn't fixed soon- we are in for big trouble! Bees pollinate every thing! If we don't have them NO FOOD! AS in fruits and veggies!


    You'll have to go around with a little brush and pollinate them...

    The USA even imported bees from Australia, but they die too. Ours are okay at the moment.

    I'm glad your bees are healthy People here do not realize the danger of no bees

    Blimey I will have to send you over some real Aussie honey, no not Kylie, the stuff bees make.

    My neighbour is a hobbt appiarist and he gives me jars of the stuff.

    We are fortunate to date here in Australia that our quarentine laws are so strict plus being a island continent miles from buggery we have natural protection.



    Peoplelove - we now have the programme back as from today 13/11/2011 that "I'm a celebrity" - great as I like seeing Australia - but it is mostly the jungle. I still need to check if kaola's have a rib cage always thought they didn't. Love Australian honey too. Your photo is so appealing and so very handsome - do you not think - cartoon professor.

    Dopey, koalas definitely have a rib cage.
    Don`t know where you got the idea that Australia is mostly jungle, we are the driest continent on earth overall.
    Sure we have some very wet areas, mainly in Queensland where we have rain forests but these occur in smaller patches all over the Eastern seaboard and South Tasmania.
    The largest land mass in the central area is as dry as a mother-inlaws kiss, some area see no rain for years.
    If you think my photo is apealling I suggest you are over due for a visit to the Optomertrist.

    Where is your head, dopey? Have you been eating that fake honey and it's affected you? I think our knowledge of the USA and other countries is fantastic. So what if he's a celebrity! Everyone likes him.

    Peoplelover - 0f Course I know it is not just jungle I had friends from Australia and my friend from upstairs just got back - the programme I was speaking of is set in the jungle - these celebs go out there for this programme it is called "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" and they have to eat crippy crawleys too - slugs, bugs,anus and the odd animal penis etc. Sometimes good sometimes not so good also depends who is in it. Thank you for telling me the kaola has a rib cage - I have been asking this for ages and cannot understand as I thought they did not and that they were lovely to feel all squeegy.

    I have been aware of our bees dying in our country for some time and I have posted it on this site. I buy honey that comes from Vermont. Its very expensive. However I bought a small bottle in Rite Aide the other day  and it does not taste like real honey and I must be what you are talking about.Clu is absolutely right. Without bees and also birds, who eat insects, We cannot survive.


    I have once as well.

    Here in Europe a new pest has arrived, the Asian Hornet which is killing the native honey bee.


    You can buy hornet catchers. They work.

    I have just found a nest of these creatures in a tree in my garden; now the leaves have fallen it has become visible. It is at least 2 1/2 ft tall and about 18in diameter and about 40ft from the ground.

    Mine says all natural product of the US right on the label, is that wrong?

    Did you know that without cats there would be no bees?

    Headless Man

    ?- explain......

    Tell us please. What do they have to do with bees? Bees were here long before cats were brought in from Egypt and Asia.

    Sorry - I have just opened this laptop to complete this answer, There was an experiment in the UK about beehives - they took separate hives to different places - some with cats around others without. Left the hives there and the re-inspected and found where the cats were there were mice droppings and the bees were OK where there were not cats - the bees were harmed. This was a science programme on TV not sure how this would apply elsewhere. One day walking up to the corner shop the cats were following me and this Indian Guy shrugged away said he was afraid of cats - I said did you know I heard that without cats there would be no bees - he said enthusiastically YES - I know of this experiment. Sorry for what it is worth.How right you are to ask WHY.

    I have been saying all a long to you my friends "Bloody China they have there "sticky hands in everything they do not "kidding when they say "MADE in China .I am having nightmares keep looking at the wife to see if her "eyes are slanted .Then I will "Sing my China doll". used to like that song.



    Well here in Texas the problem is the africanized honey bees. They are crossbreeding with regular bees and thats not good.


    That's why my Aunt drives five hours back and forth for honey.

    i lend you my ears, friend, BUT cannot believe your statement that honey is not real. Well tell us what is that sticky stuff.


    She's correct. Some "honey" on the market is not real. Buy only organic and produced in the USA to be safe.

    you are categorical about U.S. but cannot speak for the rest of the world. Don`t undermine. IF the unreal honey is labelled honey, where is your FDA.

    corn syrup... genetically modified.

    fishgirl, why is it not called corn syrup but HONEY

    I got it from a new source.

    Yes sawali, I was speaking for the Americans. They should buy only American made products. The rest of the world is on it's own.

    Buy locally when you are buying honey. It is far healthier for you.

    Colleen, u r showing your protectionist trait!
    No there IS REAL honey outside of USA.

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