    What was the worst date you ever been on?

    What was the worst date you ever been on ?

    +4  Views: 881 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    I went on two dates with a man whom I thought was very nice.  I had no idea that I was actually being interviewed to be his (there are children on this site... let's just say it involved outfits and apparatus)... When I realised this I almost jumped out of his vehicle and then my sense of humor kicked in.... "Hold on a second!  What kind of outfits are we talking about here and do I get to keep the shoes?"  ... I failed my interviews miserably it seems!     Hilarious now. :)


    Still have the shoes? (kidding) :)

    so i guess a third date was out of the question..

    It's just so funny now... at the time I was so freaked out!

    Got set up with a really hot looking Babe. It was a double date. Every so often i would detect an unpleasant  odor in the car while on our way to dinner. Turns out she had Halitosis. Couldn't bring myself to kiss her good night, it was an awful date. She was extremely hot and I wanted to jump her bones but that breath, unreal.


    smell like chitlins? lol!!
    ed shank


    a guy took me out and patted me on my head to say good night.

    I was stitched up with a girl by my mates when I was 18.All she wanted to do was drive my car (my pride & joy) she never even had a licence.I wouldn't give in so she decided she wouldn't talk to me.I did the right thing,I drove her home at abou 8:30.said g'nite.She got out of the car without a reply & stormed into the house.never heard from her again.I gave my mates 'What for' over that one.

    Went out on blind date with the friend of my girl friends boy friend. When blind date turned up, did not have to wait to see him, before he arrived, he had just come out from farm yard, after working all day, with his wellington boots on. They got us drink in lovely Bar, Lounge. My friend and I made fun about blind date, and smell of him. Both guys walked out, left us to pay for our own drinks. (Thoes were the days) lol.

    Via "Plenty of Fish".com, I met a man for drinks and dancing.  Good conversation and a pretty fair evening....I would have agreed to a second date.
    At the end of the evening he wanted to know if he was spending the night at my house or going home.  
    The notion that a couple of beers and three dances constituted enough of a relationship to share a bed absolutely ruined the whole date.   


    I had a similar experience with a friend of a friend.... "So we aren't sleeping together?"
    FG, "No"
    Friend of Friend stands up, "OK, date's over!"
    .... and on this date he bought flowers... for himself.

    Who ARE these guys? They should have big "L" tattooed or branded on their foreheads!

    i had a date with a person to go to a comedy show.  the person drove like a mad person, fast in the fast lane.  i thought if i make it back home, never again.  i made it back.

    Went out on blind date with the friend of my girl friends boy friend. When blind date turned up, did not have to wait to see him, before he arrived, he had just come out from farm yard, after working all day, with his wellington boots on. They got us drink in lovely Bar, Lounge. My friend and I made fun about blind date, and smell of him. Both guys walked out, left us to pay for our own drinks. (Thoes were the days) lol.

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