    wanted to ask this one on Halloween but the laptop was out of comission so...

    whats the most frightening horror film?For me,the wicker man.Im 50 years old and it still terrifies me!!!!

    +5  Views: 687 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Ol' Eddie Woodwood was very hot at the end.

    that was scary. i dont scare easily, but that scared the heck out of me.

    11 Answers

    I don't know if this qualifies and it certainly doesn't have the "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!" factor that Zombie movies have (Which are my all time least favorite movies to watch) but Eraser Head creeps me beyond the beyond.  It may be because I was hormonal and pregnant at the time of viewing but .... it gives me the heebie geebies.

    country bumpkin

    I've never heared of it.

    And that's a good thing.

    The Exorcist ...hands down..!

    Wolf Creek,  horrific, disturbing movie.

    country bumpkin

    Who stars in this movie?

    I'm afaid you would not know the actors, actually i don't either, it's an Aussie movie, shown in Europe but the U.S.A. is not interested in our movies, even if they did they dub it in American accent and change the name like they did with Mel Gibson's MAD MAX, you know it as ROAD WARRIOR.
    country bumpkin

    Well that's just stupid! A good movie is a good movie no matter what the name of the tittle or where it originated from! (*~*)

    I don't have an answer for you. My grandmother however, bless her heart, loved scarey movies and television shows. As a kid, I remember setting next to her while she watched "Night Gallery" every week. This show used to scare my pants off. I watched a couple of episodes on the internet a few months ago. They were so hoaky, like the one where the man kills his uncle who happens to paint pictures. He lives in his uncles mansion and each night the paintings change on the wall; showing his uncle coming after him from the grave. On the last night, his dead uncle finally reaches the door, begins to bang on it and it is clear that  from the sequence of paintings that he kills his nephew. Creepy!!!


    I remember that one, cb -- been a long time since. thanks for that.

    I remember that episode. I loved Night Gallery, Tales From The Crypt, Beyond Belief-Fact or Fiction, and others. These shows didn't scare me, but they held my interest and kept me thinking.
    country bumpkin

    Yea, I know what you mean. I miss all those old shows, times have changed.

    The Exorcist. never been equalled.

    Only two movies gave me the chills.  "Psycho"(1960) and "The Omens"(1976). 

    Psycho's shower scene made me so paranoid that to this day, l lock the bathroom door when I go to take a shower.

    The Omens freaked me out period. That haunting music, the way people died, and that evil look in that little boy eyes(Damien-The Antichrist), just kept me on edged. 

    There are so many movies that scare me psychologically, and many others that scare me physically. I get pretty involved in a movie and have been known to scream and jump out of my seat in the theatre if something shock/scares me (i.e. the first time "Jaws" breaks the surface).
    I still think "Hands of a Stranger", which I saw as a child, is the scariest movie (I remember it from over 45 years ago, so it must have had a big effect on me).


    Dracula scares me.  When i first saw it and they drove the stake through his heart, my lips bopped up. I had to put ice on the to bring them back down. I do now like any monster that can come in your window without you noticing it.  So therefore Dracular horrifies me and so do little green men that many have said appear outside of their bedroom windows.  No can do.

    anybody remember "appointment with fear"?Think thats what it was called,going back a good 40 years though.Could it have been old Hammer films????Help me someone please......!

    country bumpkin

    Sorry but it does not ring a bell.

    yes very well the star was my mother-in-law"she even scares Dracula!!

    Now i come to think about it i was pretty scared when i looked in the mirror first thing Halloween morning...Mind you ,i get like that most mornings so should be used to it by now.

    Thanks cb,knew it was a long shot as its many years back.Do you remember "the legend of hill house"?Spooky!!

    country bumpkin

    I watched it. It would be fun to get together with a bunch of people from akaqa and watch scarey movies. I bet fish girl would be hilarious to be around. She's probably a screamer! HAHAHAHAHA.

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