    who is 'a normal person'?

    +4  Views: 1026 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    23 Answers

    When you find one let me know.I have always reckoned there has to be more than one of us.


    There is Tommy and we are both Queenslanders.

    dondarlingjr can be our lucky mascot!

    Normal is what most people are until you get to know them.  Then there are only three in the world ... Tommyh being one of them.


    You don't really know "Me girl Normal as can be (excuse me talking to myself."What in the hell is normal)My Psychiatrist thinks I am Nuts!

    we should start a Normal club Kay.You me & Peoplelover as it's foundation members.LOL

    I think I'm normal, but my family doesn't.


    You can't choose your family... I was switched at birth! (That one drives my mom insane!... and my impersonation of the Queen... Over the moon crazy! Life is a glorious adventure).

    you two make me laugh

    I am, the little voices in my head say so.


    so do the ones in mine!!!!

    One who answers or one who asks?

    You Let Me Know When You Think Someone Is Normal I think everyone is different I liked what Colleen said I pretend to be Normal that really sums it Up


    "So I found you out!!Heee

    dowsa wooooh im scared!!!! dont you be opening you mouth and tell everyone where I am luv ya xxx

    Would I do that Mel "HEY everybody got a to tell you something about "Mel she lives in a shoe .so she told me she is "Normal Heee

    dondowning thanks luv ya dont tell dowsa has we will throw a flop! heee xxx

    well don't ask me!

    People are called 'normal' when they fall within an acceptable range, related to any given behavior.  If you go to a nude beach and you are the only one walking around with clothes, you are not normal.It kind of relates to Einstein's theory of relativity.  If every one is walking to the train station at a normal pace of so many steps per minute and you are walking like a dombie on drugs, you are not normal.  If a lady wants to remove her fingernail polish, but does not like polish remove and instread bits her fingers off.  She is not normal.  Normal is simply what most people do.  Abnormal is what very few do and seems strange to other 'normal' people when they witness different behavior from the 'norm.'



    so if the majority of people will walk on their heads they will be normal?

    WOW! That's deep Tabs!

    I have seen some ppl that apear to be normal untill I spend some time with them.. Thet are just as screwey as I am,so I couldnt tell you I have never met one.


    It's sort of like realising that, "Hey! I actually am an adult! When did that happen?" ... Then I look around and understand we are all in the same boat.

    There the people that we blame for not entertaining us!

    " A normal person is someone whom believes that; (If it ain't broke don't fix it ! ). "




    Yes "me.My wife will not agree "smarty pants.

    Wives know best ;)

    I'll call you cat, callmecat.  Correct if the majority of people walk on their heads, I would look pretty silly walking on my elbows.  In  any event I would either be gifted or a freak.  Either way it would not be the 'norm'   Why do you think everybody copies everybody.  People want to be like each other, be acceptable, be 'normal'.  Which once you get to a certain level of awareness, or at least pass the teenage stage, you come to realize its all a punch of balony.  Be yourself.  That's the sane normal.


    Teenagers often say, I do this (whatever it is) because I want to show my individuality. However, they are doing/wearing the same thing as all of their friends. Interesting isn't it?

    normalcy is the measurement of ones objectives, show me your agenda and then we'll talk what's normal..

    About 98.6 degrees.

    Nope,not sure I will ever be or care to be.:)

    According to the Urban Dictionary: Normal people never think for themselves, they play follow the leader their entire lives and freak out when confronted with any situation they were not trained to deal with.


    Sounds about right. Just follow the herd and keep bleating, "Only we are the normal."

    Hey! I know a person who fits this definition. Wow... I think she is the most abnormal person I know.

    by whose standards do we use to deem ourselves "normal" ?

    I'm abnormal and proud of



    Define normal.

    Sometimes normal...sometimes not.  I guess that your friends or relatives would be the best ones to comment on your "normalcy" and who says that you have to believe what they say!  Are THEY normal? is so complicated....:)

    Thankfully, not me.

    There seem to be a doubt in my mind at time if whether I normal or abnormal ?could be someday are not as eassy to deal with.

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