    Dara's science report ... need help!

    So My Daughter has a science report, map and model to do... We love projects! Good quality time together.

    But here is the problem... We have to discuss 3 technologies that map the ocean floor.

    We have Sonar and Satelite... Which we understand and can put in liamans terms.... But we can not find a third that is not completely over our heads. LIDAR, and a few others are too technocal for us to dumb down. Without sounding plagerized....

    Got any ideas?


    +2  Views: 590 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    try this , has gps and others


    I could kiss you!!!! We can finish the report tomorrow afternoon.. And get start on the model and map....
    Stone (my son) has to write an 80 word spanish dictionary and a report and costume for Charybdis...
    Dara has to have a power piont presintation for Miguel Hildalgo... (we are almost finished just spell checking and emailing to the teacher)
    We (I)really needed the help. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I just did the work myself.. LOL

    Glad i can make things a little bit easier. Enjoy the times.


    This is what she has so far....

    The Ocean Floor


    The floor of the ocean is not flat. When you look down at the ocean floor beginning at a continent the ocean gradually slopes, this is called the continental shelf. From there, there is a very steep drop known as a continental slope.


    People once thought that the next section was the only surface on the ocean floor. The abyssal plain is an almost flat sandy surface. All over the world trenches run through out the abyssal plains. A mid- ocean ridge is a mountain range that travels under our oceans, surrounding the Earth.


    A volcanic island can be seen above the oceans surface like, the one in Hawaii. Guyots are under water volcanoes that can only be found on the ocean floor. With these volcanoes and tectonic plates the ocean floor is always changing.

    Mapping technology includes sonar, satellites, submersibles, and gravity mapping. "Sonar, which stands for sound navigation and ranging, uses sound waves to calculate the distance to an object. The sonar equipment on a ship sends out sound that bounce off the ocean floor. It measures how quickly the sound waves return. Sound waves return quickly if the ocean floor is close. Sound waves take longer to return if the ocean floor is farther away.

    Satellites use microwaves to measure its height in the same way a Sonar measures its distance from the ocean floor, by measuring the amount of time it takes the microwaves to reach the ocean surface and return. Satellites are actually measuring the dips in the ocean surface. Scientist use the information from many satellites to average the depth of the ocean, and map the ocean floor.



    Our oceans cover 140 million square miles of the Earth’s surface. That means almost 71% of the Earth is ocean. The average depth of the ocean is 12,200 feet. The deepest trench in the ocean is the Mariana Trench. It is in the Pacific Ocean and is 36,198 feet below sea level. The largest mount on earth is also in the Pacific Ocean. Mauna Kea is 33,474 feet tall. Our oceans are amazing.






    Ford, Brent A. Project Earth Science 1996

    Simmons, Brook, Thomas R.Wellmitz Science Explorer Earths Water 2000

    how about submarines


    We tried to find some imfo on how they are used to map.. we know they are but how.

    i would imagine photography

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