    Republican Mess. Romney already ! PLEASE !

    Perry (Oops) is toast !  Cain is back to delivering pizzas. Shouldn't the GOP raise a white flag and declare Romney as their man in order to avoid further embarrassment ?

    +4  Views: 568 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    ed shank

    Digger, I'm not so sure. This circus has turned the corner so many times. Perry's screw up was a brain fart, we all get it at one time or another. Herman I think is going to weather this storm. The women are all coming across like BJ's. There's $$$$ in this somewhere for these victims.

    6 Answers

    Perry is making big mistakes. But Cains ratings are still up there with Romney. The timing for these women coming forward with allegations is suspicious. Someone may be paying them lots of money to discredit Hermann Cain. My personal choice is not Romney, but Jon Huntsman. Either way, someone? is causing problems for the republican nominees.It is getting ugly.


    Who really knows whether the allegations against Cain are true or not? As for timing, hey, that's politics. What really matters is whether the allegations are true or fabricated.

    Fabricated. See the question I posted today about them.

    Severe case of foot in mouth . He must have gone to the Bush school of public speaking . Perhaps it was a email course Government 101. What ever there appears to be little or no hope for us . Future looks pretty dismal . Its going to be nothing but carnage for those who are exposed finacialy . Going to be some ugly days when its time to pay the piper  .


    Are you THAT down on Romney ? I'd prefer Gingrich if he was somewhat more irreligious. As for "winnability" I think Romney is head and shoulders above anyone other candidate.

    Vote NO to Mitt. 

    Cain is not back to delivering pizza, he has collected more campaign donations since the bogus sexual assault charges than he had before they came out. What you said is wishful thinking on your part, Digger. Mitt is one of the evil ones. He will be no different than Bush or Obama. 


    What makes him evil? As for Bush and Obama, both are VERY different. Both incompetent,agreed, but with very different agendas.
    Where would you place Romney's agenda,Colleen? I'm not suggesting that the guy is perfect by any means. I simply think that when it comes to winnability, he's the best of what's left.

    Digger, if you don't mind, I'll get back to you tomorrow on this. Right now I'm in between getting bills paid on line, checking the forum and watching a show on TV, lol. I'm fighting a cold that I think I got from living with no heat last week so my brain is not really into the political debates at the moment. I'll post my bigger views on Mitt tomorrow.

    NO problem,Colleen. No need to explain. Take care of those bills ! ;-)

    Evil sounds a little strong comrad,but like you from what I have heard Cain seems to be the best bet.

    Comrade again? Maybe you walk that way but I do not. Socialist Russia is not my idea if the way the USA should be.

    Evil..anyone who goes against the people and misuses their power to hurt the people. Bush did it, Obama is doing it and Mitt will follow their examples.

    Why are we trying to predict the winner?

    We should be voting our consciences!

    When was the last time this country picked a winner?

    I'm sick of voting for the one who where's the best mask!

    Not In Our Name

    ed shank

    We experience this garbage every election. The world must think we are a bunch of a**holes.

    No ,for me that's not the issue. Its competence under fire . Shooting form the hip is the mark of a fool . Consider this : They wish to make cuts and save money  so they kill agency's and jobs related to them . Nigerian scammers take billions for soft hearted Americans every year . Western Union charges 12.00 on every hundred they send . How many 100.00s in a billion X12.00 =???? Western Union has no interest in killing their cash cow . Limiting Western Union to domestic operations and taking countries like Ghana and Nigeria off their delivery list would keep billions of dollars inside the US borders . Stop funding terrorists and promoting crime in these countries. Cleaning house at these agency's and having some performance standards instead of blindly swinging a axe   would be a better direction. I am a Democrat  so any time they make a fool of themselves I am delighted .

    I think it will be Romney in the end as well as most commentators have stated on both sides. I won't matter who wins the GOP candidate, as long as they oust out Obama. Our country isn't getting anything accomplished because both parties are divided at present. It needs to go back to the Republicans and see if the spending stops. So far.. with the Congress we have...spending is more this year than last year. What's up with that?

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