    my husband went to have a drug screen test today. and now he is in jail; im trying to find out what my husband was charged with

    +2  Views: 531 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    Could be driving under the influence.

    13 Answers

    That is unfortunate.  I would go to the police station and find out exactly what is going on.  You are the spouse and it is in your best interest to find out the details.  Otherwise you will worry yourself sick.

    Call the jail and ask.

    Perhaps : His blood test came back with DNA results linking him to something else from the past . There is a national DNA data base nation wide  and if his is in there then a routine blood work thing will bring this to the front page . Sorry but all may not be as it appears . You can go to the police and ask what the charges are . These days there is little chance of  getting buy with things . Hope it all turns out well .          Bill

    Was he on parole? If he was and drugs or alcohol were present in his system, that would send him to jail. 

    Maybe he failed the piss test?

    somehow ask your husband. there are all kinds of chemicals that show up in urine.


    prisoners have privacy rights,also. nobody at the jail will divulge info.,(empolyee`s at the jail).

    Has he been appointed a Lawyer! yet if he has speak to him or ask the police/jail this seems quite harsh unless he is out on bail or has a warrent or probation!

    Example. Lets say he is an air traffic controller. The plane he was assigned to crashed . He then is required to take a drug test to show clean. Well he is now responsible. He is under arrest.


    Why did he have to take the test? Like Colleen asked,was he on parole or probation? Was he trying to beat the test? Maybe like ed said,maybe he failed the test.All good answer's above.Call,if you are his spouse,they will tell you the charge.

    If he went in for a drug test and it was voluntary, he may have illegal drugs detected in his system. Some States consider it as possesion as well. If they were checking for DNA also, it would have to be explicitive as well as with concent. He could be the rap or have the DNA evidence thrown out of court, unless DNA testing was after the fact.

    Get a lawyer,NOW! They have to tell his lawyer what they are charging him with or they can't hold him.

    Well, serves him right. What do people expect if they take drugs? For goodness sake ring the police and find out why.

    Was you husband the one driving a school bus drunk and full of kids couple days ago. Another example

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