    roosters;if you split there toungT or F down the middle would it prevent crowing long term

    . is this an old wise tail .

    0  Views: 1200 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    This is a very sick thing to do to any animal. What the hell is wrong with people who mutilate animals just to control them? Roosters are meant to crow! Don't like it? Don't own a rooster!! 

    Sometime I truly dislike human beings. We are one sick race with our incessant need to control everything and every one even if it means pain and suffering! Ugh! 

    Sometimes I think human life should just end. We are not good. 

    big planter

    collen;YOUR answer is right on target ,not a thing to do .I agree ,but has anyone ever herd of this to be a fact ?

    i love to hear roosters crowing. some one got to be sick indeed to want to cut the poor thing.

    Don, if you can not see where I'm coming from other than to tell me to calm down, then please keep silent. Thanks.

    Of course WE are not good; only God is good. People who talk about keeping the population down or humanity being bad always think other people are the problem. Feel free to end your own life, but please don't fantasize about mine ending too. People split the tongues of their roosters because OTHER people hate roosters. As a result of tongue-splitting, more roosters get a chance to live in residential neighborhoods, albeit not as loudly.

    You know what is really unfair is that mute swans are mute. Unlike their goose cousins, they just sit there and say nothing. Yet, somehow, mute swans cope. Similarly, roosters without their crow somehow cope. I lament the possibility of splitting my rooster's tongue, but I'd rather do that than get rid of him. Neutering a rooster is another way of shutting him up, but I think my rooster would rather be able to enjoy his harem of hens than to be able to crow about it.

    BTW, we neuter (i.e. mutilate) dogs and cats to control their behavior and keep the population of unwanted animals down.

    suomynona, move to the country where your rooster will disturb only you then. God gave them voice for a reason. You don't love your rooster. You don't even like him. You have no right to speak of God when you mutilate one of his creations just because you selfishly have him in an area he does not belong in. We are suppose to be good like God. You're trying to use a cope out by saying only God is good. Be a caring and compassionate human being and give your chickens to someone who can better take care of them. Mutilation is not taking care of them. Have someone split your tongue and see if it doesn't hurt.

    Neutering and spaying is not the same as mutilation. That's a weak slope you're trying to use. I got a hysterectomy, I can deal with that better than if someone were to split my tongue on me.

    I like chicken wings and nuggets.


    i like chicken, too. eating it isnt abuse. its already dead!! ha ha.

    Well people will split their tongue like a forked tongue , they call it. I dont know how the hell anybody could accomplish this with a rooster , or even want to. No, cant see it to be true. Tongue probably not have anything to do with crowing. Its larnyx.

    I dont think you should even mention this sort of thing on this site its disgusting I know you said you wanted know wether it was a myth I dont know never heard of it there is a lot of members who really DO care for animal welfare so I wouldnt mention or ask things like that its also distastful

    I raise chickens and I like them too much to consider eating them. I give my excess roosters away. The rooster I am keeping was chosen because he takes care of the hens, the hens eat first, he hunts for the hens, never attacks a hen and protects the hens and chicks from predators. If a hen gets injured he runs to her aid. Other roosters treat the hens as food competitors, underlings and in the way.  


    Some humans could learn a leeson from this rooster!

    Do you only eat animals that were factory-farmed? I would rather eat an animal that had a good life than one that knew only the inside of a cage.

    I think this a fairy story, I was told years ago if you split a crows` tounge it would talk. Same baloney I reckon.

    To be honest I love the sound of roosters crowing it brings back memories of my childhood.

    I would lay in bed and listen to the roosters crowing in turn one on our farm then one a couple of miles away then another, they always took their right time.

    I thought it was magical and it also said "You have a whole new day to enjoy"

    Is your question out of curiosity or something that you plan to do ?I have never heard of such rubbish,why don't you ring up animal welfare and see what they say.

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