    People Lovers` Adventure Part 2.

    If you find this in another location I had a glitch, also I gave up on `photos but thanks to those who tried to help.

    After a few days in London I was taken on a surprise early birthday trip by Narrelle. Switzerland.

    We flew to Genevia then trained it to Zarmitt in a valley that The Matterhorn towers over.

    The train trip was great as we got to see apple orchards, vineyards and vegetable farms.

    Accomodation in Zarmitt was a new unit with 2 king sized bedrooms each with its` own facilities.

    We went up to the top of one of the mountains for lunch the day after we arrived then commenced the walk down. Wrong move, after about 2 hrs I was buggered and Narrelle in true Aussie style flagged down a police car and explained in a mixture of Greman, French and goodness knows what else the situation.

    Ever obliging the cops took us back to our unit.

    The next day we went uo on the cable car to the ski lift area for Fler Matterhorn some 13thousand feet up. Fantastic, snow every where, outstanding views BUT I suffered from oxygen deprivation at the rarified height, felt like I was drunk . We went into a tunnel bored into a glacier so just imagine a tunnel of ice about 1/4 mile long.

    Magical day.

    Another time we went up to the observatory on Goonergrat (think that is speeling) for lunc again all magic. we went to another area called Furi on another day for lunch.

    If you get the chance go to Zarmitt it is fantastic, people friendly and during our stay we had days of 11to 14 degrees celcius and 1 to 2 overnight but the unit had under floor heating and I in fact had my bedroom window open at night

    Stayed tuned for episode 3 "The return to London"

    +6  Views: 1100 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    PL, are you crazy, don't get me wrong but galavanting around mountains at your age is detrimental to your health, you came through. isn't it great to see how the other half lives.i'm pleased you had a grat time in Swizterland, are you still having trouble uploading your photographs. cheers!


    What @#*^%<:{*$ photographs?

    Peoplelover - sounds like a great story - I am sure you will look and have fond memories - I am laughing so much here especially with bulletman - I know the lack of oxygen feeling - not good but do not understand these beds with their own facilities. The spell check seems to be  operating. Enjoy, enjoy part three and hopefully then you will manage the photographs. 


    Very observant Dopey, but being of Scottish background I thought they might be "wee" beds so they did need their own facilities.
    You gave me a chuckle, thanks.

    You are amazing!  That sounds like such a great adventure.  Waiting for the next installment.

    PEOPLELOVER I know you had a good trip but when I saw you you left the bit out getting a lift from the police back glad you didnt mentioned it as I wouldnt have taken you nerrell to the singing tree!!! hey when I saw you ..... you look so good for your age I wouldnt have belived it I just hope me and Stu have that kind of stamener well done sweetheart xxx

    Well, at least you didn't come back in a box. You should not have gone on long mountainous walks.


    So you said before. I guess it will last you a few days.

    No eggy why would I come back in a box when I had return air booking?

    Well, if you did, you would have saved on your airfare. Next time don't do mountain walking.

    At your age??? What age is that.. I say live till you die!!!! And you inspire me!!!! So glad you had such a wonderful time.. Wish I was there.


    Do you think you could take the pace? Maybe next time I will come visit you.

    Awww. Lovebug.. I am hurt.. You dont think I can keep up with you?

    Well Jenn my love it is the same old story "If you can`t stand the heat don`t come into the kitchen"
    It was one of your Yankee Presidents that said that.
    Roosovelt the first I believe.

    Great read...I understand the elevation sickness , Cuzco is way up as well but I just had trouble climbing my age;). I hope you keep a journal for others in the family to read years from now. Looking forward to the next section.

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