    when you love somebody do hit them

    +4  Views: 927 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    Nope and time to get away from someone like that far far away.

    17 Answers

    No never,it is a crime to hit anyone.A person can be charged for assault.If you are getting hurt report the matter to Police.

    No.  If this is happening to you please find help.  There are support groups ... seek one out.  It is important for your well being.

    Absolutely not!!

    NO NO Never it anyone you love any body who you love and anybody that Loves you should never hit its against the Law if you feel that you are being abused contact the Police or a help line also if you are hitting somebody you love seek help asap

    I have seen many instances where people hit people they love.  It starts with parents hitting their kids.  The kids learn that behavior and think its ok since they were programmed that way.  Society and the law is now teaching us that hitting is wrong and i have seen families lose their kids just for a slap across the face.  People get confused when grown ups say 'you know i love you' and then pick up a strap for a whipping.  But we are evolving and growing and less of it is going on, although it is still present in society.  If you know people going thur a love one hitting them.  Seek counseling which helps us humans reprogram ourselves, therefore relearning what's truly right from wrong.

    Its never acceptable. Sometimes it escalates into more serious abuse. Get some counceling.

    NO NO Never it anyone you love any body who you love and anybody that Loves you should never hit its against the Law if you feel that you are being abused contact the Police or a help line also if you are hitting somebody you love seek help asap

    Slugged my wife once weeks after we were married. I never felt like a bigger piece of s**t in my life. Never touched her again, I do feel like throwing her out of a window from time to time. That will never happen though.


    Hey ed shank, was alcohol involved?
    ed shank

    No booze, just plain immaturity. At eighteen you haven't yet learned how to control your emotions.

    ed shank - good for you - at least you have admitted it and felt like pooh - must have been so murky for you.

    I agree with dopey, good for you for admitting it. In my case my mother has never admitted anything, you know I think if she did we both could heal.

    If you truelly loved em why would you hit them..

    No hun Love is kind and giving and comforting , Never let anyone hit you ! I was beaten as a child and it made  me afraid and insecure and less than others. Never let anyone hit you hun and if they are get out .


    sorry to hear this your right dont let anyone ever hit you xxx

    Thanks hun, I am in my forties now and it took me a long time to build up my self confidence but thanks to my husband I feel worthy to be loved and cared for by friends and family.

    I know exactly how you feel.

    A "beating" and a "slap on the behind", are two entirely different things. No child should be beaten! Every child should be disciplined!

    DNanners glad you have found support from Hubby and your Family at last I cant imagine how you coped well done sweetheart xxx

    Is a slap on the butt classified as a hit???


    Not in my opinion. Kids today are rude, mouthy and nasty. They should have gotten that slap on the butt when needed. Their adult life is going to be hard trying to learn the lessons their parents should have taught them had their parents cared enough to spank to make them mind. The bleeding heart liberals took that away. Sometimes tough love is what's needed.

    I don't believe that a slap on the butt is abuse, which is now where society has headed. In some areas, a person can go to jail if someone reports that, and it is found to be true. How ridiculous!

    Hmmmmm ... I wasn't really referring to children.:o)

    Colleen I agree , kids now days have no respect,and If you do spank your kids make sure that you pop them on their fanny , and with your hand not a belt or a wooden spoon or a switch.

    LOVE DOES NOT HURT !!!  If anyone puts there hands on you you need to get out and stay out, once an abuser always an abuser. Believe me when i tell you I lived it for 10 years and it messed not only my life up but 2 children also so go and stay gone.


    I believe that once an abuser, always an abuser! I never believe it when I hear someone say that he/she hit his/her spouse, but ONLY ONCE. (Yeah, sure.)

    So right Ducka.

    Love is Patient love is Kind... It isnt love if it hurts.

    Not sure what kind of hitting - ?smacking - or to whom. MEN don't hit and if they do ever NEVER be there for the second time. Nobody should hit - this word has to be defined and quite different to a smack on the bottom or legs of a child - although if this can be avoided it is the best way to go and not to assume this is a resolution..Some good answers here.


    you shouldn't smack a child on the legs.It hurts !! And it hurts their feelings,too. ....speaking as someone who's dad smacked me on the legs, head, face, arm, whatever he could reach.

    mycatsmom - to be honest with you I do not believe in smacking children AT ALL - never had to do this and never will - but I got into such a debate about this one here I resorted to saying legs rather than hitting children in the face trying to comprimise. I was never hit as a child - I am sorry if you were. Colleen believes a nine year old shout be hit across the face that was what the debate was about. See the posting "how can I stop my nine year old being so mouthy" Sorry this is so late - I missed your comment.

    No you most definitely do not, if it comes to that it is time to leaxe. We have enough violence in this world already

    You're not supposed to hit anyone, whether you love them or not. And they're not supposed to hit you. If you or someone who  you love is doing the hitting, then stay away from them; or if it's you.......get help ! And above all......don't hit your kids !

    never in a million years

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