    My boyfriend has a babys mama and an ex girlfriend. He is a good dad has split custody and pays his child support. the problem is that his ex "girlfriend" is a koo koo bird and has been the physco stalker ex and now has become friends with his babys mama and is causing more trouble. my bf told her he did not want his son seeing his ex anymore it is not good for his son and his mother says to bad. As the father doesn't he have rights and a say so? how does he get her to stop from seeing him?

    0  Views: 379 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    My dear, why are you bothering about all this, the guy's a dud. You'll only get heartache and problem after problem. I've seen cases like this in Judge Judy's court room. They are all retards. Get away and find someone who does not have children, other wives and girlfriends. Believe me, it's just not worth it. You sit down and think about it, what is your future with this person going to be? Is all this worth it???


    Spoken like a true " Judge Judy " ha. Your right.

    He can say so but as the mother, she can do what she wants. He can not do anything about this unless his ex tries to hurt the child. 

    Wow.  Drama.  Are you sure you want to be involved?

    I sure wouldn't no matter how "All that" I thought this guy could be.  He needs to get his ducks in a row.

    I was trying to say the father should be involved -not the girlfriend!!!


    OK :)

    Too much drama !!!!!!!! Stick around and you will be one of the three musketeers when you are one of the exs. Gigantic mess,you will be on Jerry Springer for sure now .


    Good Answer. I like that, one of the three musketeers.

    As long as he's paying his child support, he can have his relationship with his son. He can also file for physical custody if he thinks the child is in some bad enviorment.

    Whatever his past relationships are... let them just be with the ex and his affair. All of that is between him and his childs mother. I would not get involved.

    Unless the Ex is a danger to the child, he really has no say in the matter. If she is he can file a restraining order on the ex on the childs behalf... But it just sound like they dont get along and that wouldnt be a valid reason.

    One thing about the situation is you or your boyfriend have zero control over his child's mom's choice of friends unless he can prove abuse to the child in any way through this friendship. Baggage is one of the more difficult issues we all face in new relationships. This is something that unfortunately has not a lot to do with you, your stuck in it. Getting yourself involved in bickering with his child's mother could create friction for him to see his child, so it's best you step back and let him pick up the luggage and carry it(if you catch my drift) He has to learn not to react to the ex and not to bother picking up the phone when she calls. By reacting to her, he is giving her more reason to poke at him. She will get bored if he no longer plays into her games and most likely loose interest in the childs mom as well.

    I think the father should contact Child Protection Services .If he is paying support , he should have a say. At least in Mich. ,This true


    What's he going to say? She's my ex and I don't like her even though my other ex does. Unless the woman is harming the child, child protection is going to do nothing more than to note he causes drama.

    Supra pantz I am going to say what my fellow Aussie hinted at. You are hanging out with a bunch of losers.

    The boyfriend is certainly a dud and so are his exs. Get out and start to hang out with winners, forget the losers live a life worth living.




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