    What do you cook to bring to the home that has had a death in the family?

    My niece and nephews step father passed away yesterday.. It was cold and rain so I made the family a pot of chili.. I usually cake cakes but chili was stuck in my mind...

    +5  Views: 1009 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago


    Chili would be good for a big family's funeral in November.Yum

    Fish, we average about 3 funrerals a year. (family deaths). We have a extremely large family. Moms kids 6 Dads kids 7 hubbys uncles 12 and hubbys aunts 8.... Not to mention all of the inlaws and children and all my Aunts and uncles.
    It just so happens this year was close family.
    Love the hugs!

    Chili was a awesome choice, Jenn.

    16 Answers

    One meal that seems to constantly be forgotten about  is breakfast. I always give breakfast items such as: Carton of Eggs-Package of Bacon or Sausage-Hash Browns-Biscuits-Cinnamon Rolls and Orange Juice.


    good idea, b/c they have to feed the out-of town guests the morning after the funeral.

    Country is brilliant! Love you Girl!



    Chicken pot pie was my first thought.. until it got so cold.. and then chilli was on the brain... TY

    Jenn, it got cold in Georgia ? !

    It has been off and on.. It was 34 last night. But 87 during the day.. When it is rainy it is cold. I am hping for a cold snowy winter.. LOL

    Breakfast items. Great idea.

    I always get some really good sliced ham and fresh baked buns so people coming in and out can have a sandwich. It seems like family gets so busy they forget to eat.


    How about a pizza?


    No you do not peel it.. also.. Alot of ppl soak it in milk.. I think it ruins the texture. Just dip it.

    What's wrong with pizza? We had pizza when my mother died, we had quiche too.

    With eggplant, you cut it and soak it in salt water for half an hour. Then you rinse it and then cook it. You can take the skin off by roasting the outside on a naked flame for a little while.

    eggplant is so yucky ( not the person named eggplant )
    country bumpkin

    I love eggplant, both of them. LOL

    I think pizza is a good thing, no one thinks of the kids and pizza is always a hit with kids. Oh by the way I love eggplant, but I always put it in a calender and sprinkle it with salt. Then I let it set for about 10 minutes to draw out the bitter taste, it is amazing how much water comes out of it when you do this step. Then I dredge it in flour and fry.

    Pizza is a great idea.. exspecial in our family.. We actually ordered 25. Lots of kids.. And a great late snack.

    I always take coffee and paper products, plates,  cups, towels, napkins,toilet paper and plastic silverware. No one feels like doing dishes.  


    That is a great idea!! No one thinks of paper products.

    Anything easy to reheat, a casserole or going with the breakfast idea, a good strata (egg and meat casserole made with bread....)

    Alcohol drown their Sorrow 's


    I am in the South.. No alcohol here until you hit Savannah.. But I remember all of the Irish and Italian wakes from Up in New England... Those were parties.

    I am not so sure about the alcohol, in my case anyway. Because it just makes me more depressed.

    fresly prepared vegetable soup.


    That is a great food to bring, because it is a very comforting food.

    As long as its not crossing lines culturally I dont think it matters . Different thing in different places . In California at a biker funeral some one always brought a keg . You were there and brought something its all that matters . Sorry about the loss and the sad days ,may the sun shine for you again soon .            Bill


    Not ot be insencitive.. But I dont really know the man... My Ex sister inlaw left my brother in law for him several years ago.. But my neice and nephew were close to him.
    He was a paripalegic when she met him, she was his home care nurse... He died from complcations of his condition. I honestly had no respect for the man.

    " Lasagna with salad & french bread,also keeps well if frozen for leftovers."

    a cassarole , or a BIG bowl of homemade soup. Or, bring them a big bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Believe me, they'll appreciate it. When my husb died, feeding the 5,000 was the last thing on my mind. But, my friends, John and Elaine brought me a big bucket of KFC.; So, i was able to take my elderly mother to my house from the funeral home, while the viewing was still going on. I asked my cousin and her husb to come with us; and they were hungry so we ate. We called down stairs to give some to my nephew and my neice's husband.


    We always have fried chicken in the mix at funerals.. But it is frowned upon when it is not home made... I cant fry to save my life. But i will eat it like it is candy.

    I believe anything you love, they might love also.  Take into account their background, religion, and culture.  Otherwise buy something already prepared.  That's what I like to do.  I go to Whole Foods and buy a couple of different salads & Whole Foods people can really cook.

    i think a chili is good and anything that can be frozen like rolls home made vegie soup and of course you love and being there is the most important

    Any kind of casserole that can be heated up and still taste good (in a dish - but not an aluminum tin -that does not have to be returned).

    I I usually bring a couple of deli trays, a meat tray a cheese tray and antipasto you know easy food to grab , oh and fruit trays usually get eat up buy the kids. And be sure to get several types of bread. I hope this helps you out.


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