    Do you think the government is controlling our weather?


    +7  Views: 1781 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    Funny. But I think she is correct.

    16 Answers





    Haarp Bizarre

    Secret Military Death Ray Or Weather Research Outpost?

    By Bruno Bayley

    Illustration of the world being destroyed by a giant tsunami of turds by Mimi Leung

    Up in the wastelands of Gokona, Alaska, there is a forest of high frequency radio antennae. The US government claims it is conducting research into the uppermost reaches of the atmosphere, but Dr Nick Begich, a well-respected local education official, suspects there are darker motives afoot. He, like others, suspects this station will become a huge weapons platform that can control the weather, cause earthquakes, and fuck with people’s minds anywhere in the world via low frequency airwaves bounced off the sky. It sounds pretty far-fetched but also exciting, so we got in touch with him.

    Vice: So, what is HAARP?

    Dr Nick Begich: It’s the “High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program”. It’s the most powerful ionospheric heater ever built. The Alaskan Geophysical Institute and its sponsors, the US Navy and Air Force claim it’s just “auroral and radio-communications research”, but it’s much more than that. Any weapons system in its early stages can be disguised as “pure” research. The fact is, however, that HAARP is a military experiment aimed at invasively manipulating the ionosphere by beaming high energy upward from the ground.

    What does it do?

    HAARP is intended to heat and lift a portion of the ionosphere above a selected location on the planet to make a huge invisible “mirror” for bouncing electromagnetic radiation back to the surface of Earth. The US military wants to communicate with its submerged submarines by penetrating the oceans with Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiations. It could also penetrate the land with ELF in order to search for hidden tunnels or bunkers.

    Wow, like X-ray vision via radio waves from space? Pretty cool. What else could a HAARP-style project do in the near future?

    It could fry enemy satellites. The US military could use HAARP to disrupt communications over a large area of the globe, possibly alter the weather, affect human mental functioning and impact the health of humans and other biological systems.

    That’s a bit scarier.

    Well, some scientists have expressed concern that it could be used to trigger geophysical events like earthquakes, impact weather and affect the emotional states of people. Ionospheric heaters as a class of research instruments are nothing new; they have operated in Puerto Rico, the former Soviet Union and Tromso, Norway as well as at another site in Alaska for some time. But what is being tested in the Alaskan wilderness is new—a tool that can focus and steer the radio frequency energy upward. This makes it capable of hitting the ionosphere with a far greater impact than possible from the previous design of heaters.

    That’s more like it! But why do you think the government is lying? Why, for instance, do they offer free tours of the HAARP site if it’s a top secret death ray?

    As a research instrument it offers great possibilities. But it was primarily constructed for military applications. We accept their stated intentions, but we question the risks. Moreover, there are side effects that may or may not be part of their open programme in terms of environmental and public health. The US military does not spend money that does not result in military technologies. This is a weapon. It’s very scary stuff.




    Thank you for posting this, daren1, the more people who know about this, the better.

    where can I get some more information on that. It sounds very interesting. I always thought the government was hiding a lot of secrets. who knows, maybe they found out how to convert people into mutants and zombies

    where can I get some more information on that. It sounds very interesting. I always thought the government was hiding a lot of secrets. who knows, maybe they found out how to convert people into mutants and zombies

    Google Haarp - you'll get lots of hits.

    if you really want a shock google "FEMA DEATH CAMPS"..

    No but, cute cartoon............


    But they can ...

    How? Why is Texas in such a drought? Earthquakes? No, control over that. Flooding? No control over the memorial day floods....

    Good question. Wish I knew the answer.

    Are they trying to play God now ?

    Most definatley

    China Government does! so they can sell umbrellas to the rest of the world .Yen is top "dollar and UK pound."What gets to me the buggers don't even "smile.maybe inside when they take our money. 

    There is a deep depression over the whole of the USA and the outlook looks bleaker.  A spokesman for the government has declined to comment. 

    not controlling. it cannot control only communicate.


    The technology exists.


    Scary thought.  If so, not doing a good job.  too many fires, floods, tarnadoes etc.


    well, that's one way to reduce the population ... not that I believe this, but I'm just sayin' ...

    No God and someone must have seriously Peed him off.


    You seriously think God controls the weather? Oh yeah, I remember now. Like he did in the great flood when approximately 20,0000,000 people (his children) died ...

    He isn't that Peed off at the moment just a smidgin

    {{Phew!}} That's a relief.

    No,  but the  military  has tried.....they have tried on a smaller scale............But controlling the weather over our country..................................HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  !!!!!!!


    Whether they do or not, the technology is available to do so ...

    Nope, just creating and controlling poor people.

    i might be crazy, but i do believe the government here does have many secrets. and that may well be one of them. i believe they "poison" us with diabetes, flu shots, vaccinations and the like to controll the population. i feel if they can resort to that, what else would or could they do. after all we are not "free"
     as we should be any more. think about it.


    Yeah, it all makes you wonder, doesn't it?

    I am not a conspiracy theorist ... well, maybe I am, but I'm not nutso over it, but I do know (it's a fact) that our government has this technology in place and will do with it as they will. As daren1's post indicates, this technology exists in other countries ... some were mentioned in the article, but there are far more in place around the world. This technology can change a population's MOOD, if not the weather. How insidious is that??


    That's kind of scary and sad. Reason being we know when most people get that kind of power, money & more power becomes more important than doing what is right for the citizens of the world. Too bad.

    YES, scary and very, very sad.

    Definateley NO we are not that bright, can't even work out the spellcheck y thing, but I can predict it's very hot here in summer, with a possibility of storms and hail, and maybe a cooler change coming somewhere from the south, and the possibilit of extereme heat .And it's getting colder for the winter, so being a govt, worker I suggest you always pack a bikini anda fur fur coat when travelling 

    Haarp locations around the world


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