    How many Jewish people drive Volkswagens, Porsches and Audi 's and how many are imported into Israel.

    0  Views: 1545 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    I live and have worked in Stamford hill for many years just about two miles from where I live in very much down town Hackney (the whole of which comprising 6x6 miles to include Stamford Hill) densely populated  in fact everything changes once you get across the roundabout to here from going towards Stamford Hill where 20,OOO Hasidic Orthodox Jews live. Many of them  drive Volkswagens no idea how many imported from Israel. This is a religious/political issue.


    Cleveland Rick read it again - Many thanks.

    I don't think Race is on the application form.........


    jhhartan Probably not see my answer - interesting I will have to look into this more. Has it happened yet - cannot get this ageing brain around the time difference. Enjoy take care.

    What RACE are you talking about,the "ISSY 500?"


    Too diverse for me what are you speaking of?

    The Jews are of a race, like black, white, Mexican................

    There are Safardi Jews from India have darker skin complexion - forgotten how to spell it, Hassidic Jews(orthodox)very pale complexion mostly and free Jewish people.

    Well it is because the person who commissioned Volkswagen Adolph Hitler and the Person who designed it Ferdinand Porche were both prominant Nazi 's and didn't get to fufil their wish to exterminate the Jewish race from the face of the planet . Audi is a subsidary of Volkswagen and Porche obviously is Ferdinands company and well if they had fulfilled their wishes there wouldn't be any Jews left alive would there

    Well it is because the person who commissioned VolksWagen Adolph Hitler and the person who designed it Ferdinand Porche were both prominant Nazi 's and if they had fulfilled their wishes to exterminate the Jewish race from the Planet there would not be any Jewish people left to buy them would there and there certainly would n't be an Isreal.Audi is a subsidary of VolksWagen and Porsche speaks for it's self

    julie - what are you speaking of i.e. application form is this supposed to be a funny comment although I realize what you are saying - i.e. do they apply for this kind of motor but strangely they do and I have wondered WHY : the question does mention the Jewish people and my understanding is that they are a Race - I do not understand this at all - maybe because it is somewhat diverse and not pertaining to the question. The question does not say Why as so many of the answers are explaining although like Ed Shank says thanks for the history lesson.

    I've wondered that myself for quite some time. I live in a community were most of the residents are Jewish, and nearly all drive a Mercedes-Benz. Not sure if I could do that given their suffering at the hands of the Germans. They do build a good car though.


    Mercedes were around before the war not sure of the religion of Gotlieb Daimler Or Benz. But Daimler himself was long dead by the outbreak of WW2 although they did make Hitlers personal transport. But VolksWagen was commissioned by Hitler and designed by Ferdinand Porsche who was also a keen Nazi and Audi is a offspring of Volkswagen is the Reich alive and well.
    ed shank

    Interesting, thanks for the history lesson.

    Ed shank - I too would like to say thanks for the history lesson - hope all is well with you.

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