    Can you all help to stop the cruelty of Exporting Live Animals (Sheep) From Australia

    you can go on Humain Chain

    +6  Views: 903 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    I have actually seen that article abaut two month ago, when I was reading about cattle in Australia beeing shipped to Indonesia and the cruel and inhume way they slaughtert the cattle there. They did ban the shipment of cattle to Indonesia,.But the sheep are still beeing shipped to the middle east, which is a long way from Australia. You would think that the people who raised these sheep would have more compassion for these animals who suffer and many die on these long journies from heat and lack of water.In the US, there are terrible problems on cattle, pig, turkey and chicken farms,also. The torture and cruelty of these animals before beeing men is unimaginable and I get physicly sick by having watched "Mercy for Animals" Dont watch it, if you love animals. I am trying to help Peta stop these practices. But we have a long way to go.I will do my best to join the people who are trying to save these poor, abused sheep in Australia.. Animals feel pain, they are intelligent and have a soul.Thanks you for caring, Mel.


    Ann you are one of the most caring perons I know how I wish the 10% of the world would be like me and yourselve we live in a world where animals are 4th rate the only thing it that makes them slighty important is that we eat them there is nothing else we know they feel extream pain and also have feelings they can smell death we cant can anyone imagine what that must be like knowing you are going to die in a horrible death...When i am driving and I see a slaughter tractor/trailer I say a prey for thise animals thankyou again for your thoughts and for caring about gods Animals love you to bits mel xxxx

    Hi guys if you care about the animals could go on there link thanks


    Watch the documentary Food Inc.

    fish girl will do thanks for that xxx

    Hi Mel, I totally agree with you. This is so cruel, that I cant understand why it  is stll happening in Autralia. Many people signed petitions throughout the world. and I will get on that site and sign up later. Right now I am very concerned about my mini dachshund chester, who had to have four teeth pulled while in kidney failure on Thursday. I had to rush him back to the vet yesterday, because his breathing became very labored and he was crying out too often. Right now he is still very uncomfortable. Please say a prayer for him.


    Ann my preyers are with you right now for your chester god bless him keep me inform asap love ya xxx

    Done, poor little bloke

    Thanks for your prayers. He is doing somewhat better, after the Vet gave him Burbrenophine for pain. He has lost 5 lbs, in the last two month, because he coulnd eat much. But there is nothing anyone can do for his kidney failure. I am trying to feed him every three hours and he only eats 1 Tbsp. at each time. I feel so helpless that I cant help him more. He is my life.I am praying that he will be here a little while longer. I love him so much.

    Mel and Lambshank, please pray for him. Thanks, Love and prayers

    Oh I hope he gets better soon Ann. I will say a big prayer for your little dog....Oh shoot! Now that I have read all of your comments.
    I am so sorry for little Chester and you. I know how you feel. xxo Fish

    An glad to hear that chester is doing a little better still preying for him xxx

    Live animals are also exported through Europe, for instance horses are exported live from UK to France and Belgium as the Brits do not (knowingly) eat horsemeat. I agree that animals for food are best slaughtered in their home country, apart from humane factors the transport costs would be much lower.

    However, I seem to remember that sheep are exported live from Oz as they are used for ritual sacrifice in Arab countries.


    It's a pity we don't follw Sweden's law to abolish the ritual slaughter of animals there, by the islamics and the jews, they said if you doin't like it, leave the country, can you imagine our balless polictions do that.

    @nomedeplume yes i know that they exported from Europe I have also campaned on that one but Peta are on top of this one and it will be soon that this will stop but its Aussie that is concerning them its the condidtions that they dont get fed and cramed in and also no water I know its a hard for the Aussies as they relie on the meat trade its the humane thing that is in question as for muslim relgion they have to have there meat fresh as they cut the sheeps throat and let it bleed to death if thats not cruel what is!! and this also applies to jewish faith as well with ckickens ect thank you soooo much for your Answer love it xxx

    @bullitman thank you for the comment if you read my comment to nomdeplume its makes me sick in way islamics and Jewish kill thier animals its disgusting thanks again xxxx

    nondplume, this is also done for religuos purpose in the middle east

    G'day Mel, i checked out the WSPA site, a bloody good worth while cause, i believe i may join the chain, thanks for that. Keep up the good work. :)


    G"day bullitman I am so pleased the site is very eye opening ,I get some good reading WSPA is good as well Peta is really good check them out and we can start saving these poor animals peta is good it gives you all the emails to complain as you know I like complaining good to hear from you is peoplelover back in Aussie! xxxx

    bulletman sorry it wont let me TU its the site again I will come back later luv ya mel xxx

    I didn't know about the website, but Im just about to be, thanks for letting me know we can have a say in this barbaric, horrendous practice, I have no problem with people including myself eating meat, but it should be done humanely and quickly


    lambshank yes I agree with that thanks again for taking a interest xxx

    Anne, so glad to hear your little chester is doing a little better, and he is in my prayers, it's heartbreaking when a pet is sick and in pain, you feel so useless, but I know he's in good hands, and Im sure he knows how much he's loved.


    I know he wll not get better and I am trying to do everything possible so he wont be in pain. He hardly ate anything today and it upsets me so. Thanks for caring. It is in Gods hand now. I will keep praying for Chester and hope for the best.

    Melandrupert, I agree with your opposition to this vile trade.

    What is the latest on 'mulesing' ? When I was in Oz a few years ago there were moves to get this practice banned. Mulesing involves cutting the skin from a sheep's butt to prevent fly infestation. The skin re-grows without hair follicles so flies don't lay eggs in the dirty fleece.


    nomedeplume this barbacrick it makes me sick to my stomack these people are not Human I cant think of a word that fits for them excempt a swear word scum of the earth thanks you for that it will make me fight harder luv ya xxx mel

    Everybody is disgusting. Have you ever watched a slaughter house documentary? It was so bad I had to turn it off.


    Thanks eggie I have watched it for a few moments I could not watch it anymore I was too upset so this happened to you as well its a bad one thanks eggie xxx

    These days there is no reason to export live animals, except to stock a farm.


    zorro that is so true....why are they doing this I am sure it would work out cheaper in the long run to slaughter on home ground and freeze then they wouldnt have supply food and water ( I Have heard also that there dont even feed or water these poor souls) so why do they do this I am sure they are sick people and like to hurt and get plesure in watching these poor creatures suffer thanks Zorro good answer xxx

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