    Do we keep firing our Generals in Afghanistan for telling the truth?

    General " Fuller " seemed to do the same as McCrystal in speaking out against Karzai. They both got the boot and our Government seems to ignor the insults by Afghani leaders. They were right in their critizism of Karzai. We give them money and get " No Gracias " what-so-ever from them. Time to lock our wallet here in America.

    +2  Views: 745 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

     funny thing is we keep our congressmen for telling lies..

    A national disgrace. Karzi should be the next drone casualty.

    His comments, spoken like a true warrior. Karzi, will be a major problem in the coming years, unless he is taken out. Either buy the USA or one of his own. Pakistan is a s**tsmear and will also have to be dealt with harshly.

         I don't dispute that the generals may have a cogent and valuable outlook on the wars and the world, but your question asked about the generals being fired for telling the truth. Within our governmental and constitutional structure the president is the commander in chief and in conjunction with the state dept formulates foreign policy. These policies are complicated and deal with all the subtle aspects of diplomacy which are incurred when dealing with unfamiliar societies. The problem with the generals is that public statements by them can have unwanted results because the people we are dealing with may take them the wrong way, not to mention that they can be contrued as a critcism of the president and since he is their commander that would be insubordination.

    Whether or not the general told the truth is irrelvant. The general isn't a diplomat and his opinion shouldn't enter into the political situation, unless sought by his superiors. He doesn't determine policy and publicly statements by people in positions of power can be counter productive.


    Sounds like exactly what the politicians should butt out of doing with how to fight a war. The truth will set you free. America has been on a losing streak with these political games when it has come down to it.

    The military controls tactital operations in the war. But, they do not determine policy or reasoning behind the operations. Our constitution sets the order of command with the civilians in control which helps to prevent the problem of military takeover as seen in so many countries. Also, what makes you think that the military would do so much better? You may not like the decisions that the exectutive makes, but that is your opinion and for everyone you don't like there are millions that do like them and their opinion is every bit as valid as yours. Poliicians are trained in the relationships between people and countries, not the military. And when top brass develope diarrhea of the mouth it can set back the plans of their superiors in the worst way. Politicians don't run the war; the military does and when operations fail it is usually their responsibility.
    As far as the U.S. being on a losing streak, the politicians may have made poor choices as far as you are concerned, but the failure of tactital operations is a military resoponsibility. In Iraq and Afganistan the military tried to fight the war as a military conflict between two large forces which it wasn't and they began to fail. It wasn't until general Petraeus came along with his change in tattics that things began to turn. Most of the time the politicians know that they have to relie on the generals when it comes to fighting and operation, but the generals don't and shouldn't intrude in policy. When they mnake public statements like these two they are being insubordinate.

    Glad for your input bigben. I do, however, think "Generals" are pretty capable of knowing what is going on with politics and fighting wars. Politicians are mostly lawyers and have a different agenda when it comes to outcomes of a war. The majority of the nation at this time thinks we are in over our heads with these wars, financially and politically.

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