    I am 72 years old when I first get up out of bed my lower back hurts so much then is ok after I am up awhile

    +4  Views: 821 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Dude your 72 years old. Welcome the world of an occasional discomfort.

    you could have touch of arthritius I susgest you get it checked out just incase but the best medican you can take is exercise keep moving as when you get older your bones tend to cease up and take codliver oil once day keeps the bones oiled as I said go to the doctor first

    Sorry to hear this. I have both neck and back pain - have written about this before - It is most likely to be wear and tear and will hurt more when after a period of rest - eases off after you get going again - this happens to me - arthritis or muscles yes as above - mine has been diagnosed - all lumber discs bulging and spondylosis of my neck - wear and tear. See your Doctor - I was refered to exercise classes but the two Australian physios said these classes not suitable for me - too much - see what bandbe says. Finally had two failed epidurals on my lower back which failed done the mattress thing.. Major bilateral operations on shoulders. The neck well still waiting I have a good memory foam pillow with a scoop for the neck.. My Jamaican friend has bad back and shoulder - her husband at one point wanted her to go back to Jamaica - I said Monica this would be good for the old bones warmer - she said even there they have so much arthritis. Seems it is everywhere - and now they are finding problems relating to the effects of taking anti-inflammatories which helps - NAPROXEN has just been taken off the market here. They have done endless research into arthritis sorry to go about this - I have spoken of this before - just to be helpful - I manage.  Good luck as I said get medical advice.    


    Just to say - I have difficulty with the medications taken in USA and Australia naturally different to the UK in name. Even surprised you knew of NAPROXEN - told my amazing Chinese lady Consultant only a month this year after it had been taken off - she was interested as she did not know. While in hospital the pharmacist said stay away from that stuff meaning all anti-inflammatories - it did help the inflammation I have but I am not such a good eater and it must be taken after food also had PR bleeding and I did not take much. Thank you for your good wishes I do however I am lucky - have lots of medical advice. I talked with a Danish guy here last week re Scandinavia - new to the site - I don't think he is here any longer.

    im so glad im reading this. my dr gives me prescriptions for naproxin. i had no idea it was taken off the market. i got a bunch of it. what to do, what to do.

    carmaxable - do not worry take them back to the pharmacist - didn't mean to worry you. Talk with pharmacist he may be able to help you or Doctor - if they know - it was however, on the National News - which I try to avoid but got this.There are other things - like the rub in creams - I have one always forget to use it AlGESAL this is good as it has an anti-inflammatory effect AND anaesthetic effect - just an example.

    my back gives me what for every morning. i lay on my back and scrunch my butt and my back muscles together for five secs and do it till i start to ease up. i also do leg lifts on my bed. i got that from physical therapy while in hospital. i also think i need a bed board or a new mattress set. good exercising sweetie

    That and could also mean you need a new and better mattress set.

    Find a good chiropractor. They can help with little exercises. Something else could be wrong too.

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