    is god relly real

    because some people do and some dont

    +2  Views: 716 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Yes he is really real. He showed himself to us! He is Jesus Christ. He loves you, and proved it by coming from heaven, and dying on the cross for your sins. Repent of your sin today and ask him to come and save you.

    I am real, therefore so is God.

    We will all find that out on Judgement Day. Most of us try to live good moral Christian lives and we follow what we think is our reading of the Bible. I've gone to Church's many times in my life and have gone to several different denominations.

    Most Church Organizations are pretty close in their beliefs.  Catholics, and the rest of the protestant faiths generally believe in God and Jesus Christ. All except for the Jehova Wittness' and their belief for Jesus.

    I am non denominational, as it is difficult for me to attend a church anymore. I feel that churchs are a place for patrons to actually judge others according to their convictions. What is bad for some, may be exceptable for others. I'm talking about how we live our lives. Some people are against television and rock and roll. I happen to like them both. It is up to me to determine my wrong doings as I feel them spiritually wrong for me, and not anyone else.

    The only way u will know for sure is to ask Him.

    Are you a reasonable person? Consider this: Suppose you were given access to the neighborhood of the wealthiest people in the world. As you passed the security gates, you noticed that each residence had several acres of beautiful landscaping filled with endless varieties of delicate, colorful flowers and countless types of trees and shrubs. The architecture of each massive home was stunning and beyond words, each with a unique flair. Some homeowners had swimming pools, tennis courts, horse stables, boat docks, etc., and judging from the outside you knew that the interiors would have been simply breath taking. As you took all of this in, what would come to your mind? Would you think- oh what a beautiful place that just fell out of the sky and  somehow came together on its own, or would your common sense tell you that someone designed that community for the people living there? Right away you would give credit to the team of engineers, architects, carpenters, landscapers, plumbers, electricians, and etc. for creating such an amazingly beautiful place.

    Our universe is far more complex than a master planned community, and the earth is filled with natural beauty. The more creation is studied the more it is realized how much we still do not know about our world. Just as you are convinced that intelligence, forethought, design, and creativity would be needed to construct a home, you can be sure that it took those same qualities from a superhuman being to create the universe and beyond. This is why Hebrews 3:4 reads: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, BUT HE THAT CONSTRUCTED ALL THINGS IS GOD.”  Yes, God is real.

    Using our common sense along with accepting the Bible’s teaching leads to everlasting life. (John 17:3) Who created ALL things? Revelation 4:11 answers: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”  Let’s give credit where credit is due.  I would be happy to discuss this with you further if you would like to.

    You'll have your chance to find out for certain. Maybe you should prepare yourself.


    Please don't think that I'm judging you. I think that reading the "good book" is a way for you to find your answer. Good luck. I still haven't found mine.

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