    Is there any small task that you just hate to do?

    +7  Views: 1056 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    Yep, vacuum.

    24 Answers



    I do NOT iron. Maybe once or twice a year I have to press something, so I'll lay it out on the bed and hope the iron cord reaches. I do all my bank transferring online. Zip, zap, it's done.

    Why thank you, fish girl, so are you!

    folding laundry... so it doesnt get done lately.


    I actually don't mind doing laundry. Sometimes, though I lay it flat and it does not get folded for 3 days.

    Dusting furniture...I hate it so, I have a very dusty house......


    me too - I think to myself why keep doing this it will only get dusty again and I don't have to worry about anyone being allergic. My Mother I'm sure is OCD - not a spec of dust anywhere.

    My mother was too, probably where I developed the aversion to dusting...

    I don't hate it, I just don't do it.

    My sentiments exactly...

    Picking up dog crap from my yard,and I don't even have a dog.And if I don't pick it up,sure as hell I'll step in it...


    be thankful it is not in your house.

    We've got 3 cats and a dog. My husband pick up all the crap except for the last 3 months of the year. Crazy, huh?

    aww yuck!

    Putting petrol in my car.


    me too.

    I really don't mind the act of putting gas in my car, what I really dislike it getting my receipt. Last fill up was $80.00 (I drive a V-8)

    I drive a v8 too and my weekly fill is $80.00.

    Washing my hair.


    Really? Is it long?

    Yes winfia - it is longish and thick just to shoulders - to cover the joules but I can't be bothered to go to the salon somewhat of a slug these days and have difficulty going out ust a saddo - need help perhaps - once I'm out I am just fine - just the getting ready business - crazy or what? Always have hated washing the hair such a palaver - all that blow drying stuff wouldn't be so bad if I could just wash an go - just wouldn't work. Thanks for asking me you just make me smile.

    Have you ever considered cutting it short? I have a friend who has a hairdo she calls bed head ... she washes her hair, messes it up and lets it dry. She has jowls, too (don't we all!) but she looks very cute and is in her late 60s ... just sayin'

    Thanks wifia for your comments - so kind - yes I have thought of getting my hair cut short always was layered and will get round to getting it cut = easier huhxx

    I hate cleaning the crisper in the fridge, I think I might be the only one that developed a cabbage that not only grew, but I think had a heartbeat. I won't wash my car either, I struck a deal with the car company and they wash and vacuum it once a week, I doubt it would get done otherwise. I might add I didn't buy my first choice of car, but the cleaning offer was too good to pass up


    lambshank, I think you're too young to remember Phyllis Diller's hysterical routine about veggies that go bad in the refrigerator. I can only remember one line, and I'll have to paraphrase at that. She said that vegetables are the food group that you buy to put into the refrigerator, wait for them to spoil, and then throw away! Been there, done that!

    One, Only One?? What do I do with the other 10 on my "honey do" list??


    Go ahead - there's plenty of room here. List them all!

    For me it is emptying the dishwasher. I don't know why, but I just HATE doing it. I know, I know, one of you will tell me I'm lucky to have one. Yeah ...

    Ironing and window cleaning hate it and hate it


    I love ironing.the wife's mum taught me used to iron out her "Wrinkles tell you Mel hard task .I said to Josie I am glad you look like your dad

    dowsa ha ha xx

    Ironing and folding washing. At one time, I had servants to do it for me, now I have to do it myself. They are the only two jobs I hate.


    Oh I would never take it on all at once! Yikes!

    Shaving and trimming my mustache. That's why I usually have two or three days on my face.

    Dusting!  Erma Bombeck once said,"Why clean house especially dusting.  Six months later you have to do it all over again."


    Smart lady. She lived in Arizona. It's very dusty here. Well, not so much in the mountains. When my niece was about 8 years old she asked me why my house was so dusty. I didn't think it was that dusty, but then her mom had a housekeeper, so her house got dusted every week!

    Dusting. There is too much stuff to dust.

    "Yes kiss the mother-in-law and bathe her feet  after a long walk she treats me like a doormat that's why I have a flat nose.I said you will be the death of me "How soon she said, got to have the last word


    you are hersterical! :-)

    Clear the root out of our septic tank is my least favorite task. Removing leaves fro the gutters and down spouts. Paying our heating bills. Having to fabricate equipment that is not produced or cost too much and are not available to rent locally…like a simple garden soil steam sterilizer to kill off weed seeds. I would use a hydraulic wood splitter but they are spendy and are too complex. I like simpler tools lie a motor driven drop hammer to split wood. A bit more hazardous but more versatile and easier to maintain. Vacuum cleaners…filthy things. The bags join you to the makers purse strings forever. They are noisy. The bag-less  versions have to be cleaned too you know. They are much dirtier than the bag type. An installed system has the same problems and a few more and cost plenty too. I’m working on ending this problem completely but I doubt it will go to market due to present Trust laws. Cars are dispicable and worthy of global contempt.


    oh, robertgrist, sounds like you need a good break, a serapax, or a cleaning lady

    Bring it.

    "Is there life after housework"? - Don Aslett.


    No, but there is life without it

    Yeah, I have done lots of cleaning in my life - housework being the lowest priority except if someone is staying here.

    Ain't that the truth. Nothing like having company to whip the house into shape!

    Changing my air filters in my home..hate doing it...and I don't know why


    Making my bed. I always hated this task.


    I used to HATE making the bed, but I did not like getting into an unmade bed. So I tried the 21-day thing, that is if you do something for 21 days, it becomes a habit. It worked! That was several years ago and I never think twice when I make the bed.

    i do not like to mop my tile floors. if i had one of those big mops with that bucket it probably wouldnt be so bad.


    I'm "Old School" - I still get on my hands and knees with a bucket and a rag. (Don't tell anybody)

    Cleaning the litter box. I have a twenty lbs male cat that will actually come in the house to use the litter box. And he is to fat to go in and turn around so it is a total mess.


    My daughter had the same issue with her oversized cat. She finally bought a storage tub and made a litter box out of it - that solved the problem.

    Cleaning the bathroom is a chore I don't care for; it's not because there is a toilet, but because there is so much involved in getting it really clean.....and I do like it really clean in there!

    ironing, dusting.  but really i love doing everything, but there is not time for everything, so things i don't have time to do, i say to myself, " i don't like doing it."  i tend to not screw tops back on bottles,  bad idea,  i feel like i'm in a hurry to get things done.  i do get a lot of things done.  but should slow down a little.  my problem is that everything interest me and everybody. 


    Yup - me, too.

    Cleaning the litter box. I have a twenty lbs male cat that will actually come in the house to use the litter box. And he is to fat to go in and turn around so it is a total mess.

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