    Should old people feel youthless?

    +5  Views: 847 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    My Mother always said you are as old as you feel


    mine too. despite my health issues i still feel 30.

    carmaxable I sometime feel as stupid as 18 but Im not anyway how are you keepping! hope you are a bit on the mend I still say a preyer for you xxx

    Youthless? Well, youth has to pass but memories keep you going. Youth is for learning, age is for utilizing.

    Yeah why not,if they are active and like to get out and socialize,maybe go dancing,play some sport,good for them.Beats sitting at home in a rocking chair.

    of cource not..."youth is waisted on the young"


    Yes daren and who said that? Just checked George Bernard Shaw - as you did put it in quotes.

    I don't know about Youth less I am ageless still learning never to old for that, it is all in the mind.

    Youthless, yes. Useless, no.

       Hell no,they should just keep making fertilizer for the youngsters to grow on.Thank you 4 your help.

    You are as old as you feel. When my mother was in her late 80s she said she feels young, she did not feel any different. She was a very active woman, she was an artist.

    youthless--no     toothless--maybe   ; -) 


    Ha...Ha. :)

    age is just a number. Growing old is better than the alternative.

    Youth is not only an age, it is a state of mind. The nice thing about being older and youthful is that we SHOULD have the experience to avoid the pitfalls of youth!

    of course they should not but many do but so are many young people too


    I am what I am have you never heard the expression one should respect their elders.

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