    my neighbour has never worked and is kept by the state and lives a very comfortable life. She tells me that she has a condition whereby she cannot work. She can go out shopping and sitting in cafes etc., How do these people manage to fool the system?

    +5  Views: 759 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    It could possibly be a psychiatric condition that stops your neighbor from working......sometimes a person with a disability (even physical ones) appear to be relatively normal in appearance...if you were in the US you would have to have a doctor (sometimes doctors as in plural) verify your inability to work....then you'd have a get a lawyer....then you'd have to wait and wait...right now to even think about receiving social security disability there is a good two year wait before getting your "final judgment"....things are tough all over now I'm afraid....(: PS....people USED TO BE ABLE to get disability just because of alcoholism or drug addiction so go figure!


    i just got my disability 5 years ago and my stroke was around 12 yrs ago. i had a real hard time trying to work. people find out you have handicaps and your out!
    ole hipster

    Hi carmaxable....hope you see this...glad you got your disability....I've been on disability for almost 10 years but still "look normal" and do my best to behave the same but the disability and associated chronic pain is draining and disheartening...I hope you are doing real well since your stroke....take care! (:

    Carmaxable there is a new treatment for cancer. It is something called 'proton or protein treatment'. A guy in America (known to a lot of people here) had cancer of the oesophagus. He had chemo treatment, but it did not work. He took the other treatment and it appears he's cured. You could ask your doctor about it I suppose. I'm not sure of the proper name so you can find out.

    Don't judge a book by its cover,this lady might genuinely have a health condition that does prevent her from working.If social security deems her unfit for work,then so be it.Very hard these days to fool the system.


    Good reply.

    Here in the UK it is called knowing how to work the system - more checks are done now. TU to you pythonlover.

    One day it will catch up to them..........when they really need the help it wouldn't be forth coming

    You name suggests that you are British so I suggest you report her to the DSS. You can do this anonymously.

    Are you more angry that she is on the system or that you are not? Shopping is a better activity than eating and TV. There is shopping (small things) then there is movie star shopping. Before I comment on that I would like to know which one . Sometimes a large part of our social activities are fulfilled at work. In this case perhaps a afternoon trip to the cafes is taking the place of work . Nothing is as it seems to be ,jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle might be good exercise it rarely accurate. Dont end up with egg on your face because of this . Live and let live. In the meantime try and improve your lot . All people will answer for their deeds it just takes awhile.

    I would find out a bit more before you come to any conclusions do some reseach and get all your animisssion together you might find out she is legale in everything if you find out that she is getting state money for nothing shop her at once just look into this first good luck

    She's living large on your dime, rat her out.

    Yeah,most people think I'm normal to.Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!. (Just kidding).

    I have a 31 year old nephew who has never worked.He was diagnosed as having schitzophrenia.

    he gets disability,but he smokes $200 worth a week & drinks about the same.who feeds him & clothes him & keeps a roof over his head? You guessed it,GOOD OLE MOM!!



    There's a lot of people down here who rort the system too.

    Why do you think obama got elected, so people like her can get free money and not work for it. But sounds like mental or health issue, or just scamming.


    Thank you. I get a check but appear "normal"....

    I still think you should report her. If she is genuine OK, but If she is cheating the system she needs to be stopped as it is your tax money she is living off.

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