    What about yourself do you find you are the most critical about?

    +7  Views: 1653 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    My teeth. They've all broken off and I can't smile a good smile........


    I'm sorry you feel that way, I bet you have a gorgeous smile, such a kind face.

    No, I don't...I have a real jack-o-lantern smile... but thank you........

    jh ... I broke the tooth that’s next to my front tooth. Fixing that kind of problem takes about two-three thousand dollars ... inplant...implant?

    Couldn’t do that so my dentist offered me a flipper. It’s a plastic device that you slip in your mouth and any of your upper teeth that are missing get filled in. (I did not describe that well)

    The thing is. It only cost $500.00 and I can smile real big now. I only takes a couple of days for them to make it. Itz tho thuper. I lisp now but itz worth zit. Check itl

    try affordable dentures. they are in franklin, ohio their number is 513-423-2402. i dont have the toll free number but im sure they have offices all over the place. i paid 380.00 for a full set same day delivery

    jhhartan - mine are all yellow - yes the smoking - the ones I have left - fortunately have the front ones and a plate (expensive for the back and sides) hardly ever used just cosmetic can't be bothered. Lost my front crown once in the super store and my friend and I had to retrace our steps looking everywhere for this darn tooth - found it and had it put back so many times - just waiting for it to fall again. You have a lovely smile without having to see your teeth.

    Doing a good job for my clients. Being a good neighbor. Being a friend in time of need.


    Where is the balance here, you have to look after yourself in order to do a better job for everyone else.

    I hold on to problems of the past. When I start to talk about them to my husband, I put my my hand over my mouth. I don’t “allow” him to do it either.

    The past is gone.

    The future is imaginary.

    All we have is the eternal now moment.


    Thats pretty human to keep things that can weigh us down. At least you catch yourself, most of us design our future by our past.

    I am critical of the fact that I don't have enough self-discipline,....which leads to even more less-disciplined behavior on my part.  But I do my best to try to make up for it by working more diligently and longer, as well, like that will work.  . A cycle I'm having a hard time correcting. Could be worse......


    Sounds like your hard on yourself. If you knew how many of us have the same issues as far as self discipline. I struggle with trying to keep in shape riding my bike in the early mornings. So many times I wake up at 6a.m. and in my sleepy slumber come up with enough excuses to stay home, warm and comfortable. Then when I do go I ride twice as far to try and make up for it. I think we are all the same in so many ways. When you figure out the secret to self discipline...let us in on it would ya;)

    Thank you mom. I appreciate the support and the good dose of reality. I do have to remind myself to lighten up sometimes! :->

    I Smoke....nuff sed!


    Thats a hard habit to kick...feel for ya.

    I have been told I have OCD and it drives me mad my Husband mad and the cats mad and my work also suffers as i have fired quite alot of builders as they do not come up to MY mark though I am tollerent in most things and very kind so people tell me, and most guys who do work for me say I am very fair ....


    Could it be that you value your family so much that you want nothing but the best for them?

    mom I would like to think so I think it stems from my family my parents were extreamly untidy and very educated there were always books everywhere my Dad had at least 5 on the go and my Mother had always 2/3 books o the go! and even as a child my room was like a show room and I always found peace in my room it might have something to do with me being Deslexcive as well who knows I know when I sit down if there is a good movie on the place has to be in order before I can settle down wierd a !!! thanks mom xxx

    being to trustworthy take people at face value .Will never change.


    dowsa me too - always - often leads to disappointment but that's life.

    I think thats a beautiful quality even though it may lead to disapointment, thank you for sharing that.

    My entire lack of patience, I cannot tolerate it.


    Oh now, just be patient with yourself! :)

    west-bus - slow down you move too fast huh!! If you try to get to the end too quickly, you miss the bit in the middle. Think I know where you are coming from though.

    Pretty much, I find myself to be a "failure" as a person in general...I'm uber-critical of everything about myself and never "measure up" to any of my aspirations.


    I should give you a thumbs DOWN for that answer. You're better than you think!

    I agree from all evidence that I have read of you. You are a great person, repeat after me.. I am a great person!

    In all honesty, I think I'm better than I think I am. If that makes any sense.

    my lack of attention..What's the question again ?



    I have this in common with our sweet Bob...I am so critical of myself that were I a witch I would have burned meself at the stake long ago....metaphorically speaking...of course!


    You can't criticize your humor! LOL!!!

    I often say the wrong thing as a joke and then regret it afterwards.But that's just how I am, I never learne.

    I am not critical enough of my lack of communicative skills with my loved ones.   I do not express my feelings, and often am too harsh with my tone. 


    Join the CLUB!!! (Mother said I was as delicate as a bulldozer with my I just toss the cards(words) and see where they lay!! It's up to the listener to interpret, no?

    LOL! My mother's words still ring in my ears too. "It's not WHAT you say, it's the WAY you say it"! I would respond, "So I'm not sweet enough...yuk"! And she would laugh. :)

    Tone.. I get misunderstood often because of "tone". Sigh

    I am my own worst critic.  I try so very very hard to do everything the right way, but being human I make plenty of mistakes and that makes me angry at myself.  But I do try hard and work hard.


    Who in your life ever made you feel you didn't do anything well enough? We all are capable of the best we can.

    My own so called "family" I guess and since instilled since born it stuck and I am trying hard to work out of it. Thank you.



    There are so many people who can't see what's right when looking at themselves. I think it's sad that we think this way.

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