    How is your Saturday looking? This is mine (tomorrow 10/28)


    I live north of Hartford CT and just south of Springfield Mass. Looks like I'll get a bit of snow. :(

    Forecasted winds, 40-60 miles per hour. The snow will be wet and heavy so they are expecting heavy power outages due to trees still filled with leaves coming down onto power lines.  Sounds like a fun day. 

    So, how's your Saturday looking? 

    +11  Views: 1025 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    hi Colleen didnt know you lived near Springfield Mass been there many a time nice part of the country do remember the snow! wow can it snow there! xxxxx

    Wow, I just saw that the picture updates even here. That's kind of cool for just copy/pasting a url. The east coast picture of last week is now a west coast picture.

    12 Answers

    I guess its going to be a nasty day. All that snow is going to very wet. Put my woodstove to work. Its nice and warm and I can cook on it. A good day to stay home.


    Ha, ha, we are having nice warm weather.

    Lucky you!

    ... sounds very cozy

    Rain rain and here's a surprise ..... more rain.  It is coming down in buckets at the moment and we are expecting more tomorrow and forever after that.

    Good luck you guys.  I hope your power does not go out.  Stay toasty warm.


    We've had rain all week. Now this. The ground is soft from the rain so I'm expecting they are right, the weight of the snow and the high winds are going to bring trees down.

    Keep your floaties close and stay dry!

    Oh my goodness... stay safe. Hopefully it is over as quickly as it arrives.
    That actually happened to us last year without the snow. A gigantic tree from the prpoerty behind us, fell on my kiln shed and then exploded over half the yard. It was quite devastating. The tree was in our yard for such a long time I named it Walter. He's firewood now. So again, stay safe.

    "Walter"? You do have imagination, I'll give you that. It shows in your work, I'm sure....

    My best friend in North Carolina wants your rain!

    Fishy, I would rather have the rain, than this wet heavy snow. Has not started yet its 11:22 am in NH.

                        Forecast for Krefeld, Germany.    Saturday                           Cloudy

                                                         High temperature   17° centigrade     63°F

                                                         Real feel                   18°      "                  63°F     

                                                         Low temperature     10°      "                  50°F        

                        No  Tornados Here




    OK, I do not know centigrade but it sounds cold.
    Were you expecting tornadoes?

    My brother and I were in Düsseldorf a few years ago. Not far from you, I think. Beautiful part of the country you live in!

    I meant to say we never have tornados this part of the world. We only see them on TV when they are "Breaking News".

    OK, I'm all set for the snow. Went out and got up all the leaves again and put away all the outdoor furniture  picked up all the dog's toys and filled the bird feeders. Pulled the snow blower out, checked the oil, filled the tank, started it and let it run for about 10 minutes, it's good to go. Bring on the snow! 


    You did all that this morning already? I'm still in my nightgown!

    The high will be about 65 with the low at night around 48... The front hit!



    Perfect weather.

    Texas perfect........

    according to the map we only live about an inch apart...


    I know we live pretty close to each other. You can have the extra inch (of snow that is). ;)

    My Saturday "OH light rain 29/10 going for my Influenza vaccine on Saturday morning.Then put on my "Sun cream lie in the garden Temp OH round about 80" "OH sorry Colleen I did not try to make you "Jealous (yes I did ) hee Lol ( load of lies girl ) Truth rain not cold as yet "But look out November could be snow coming from  you .Good health to you.


    I do not like the heat so I wouldn't have been jealous :) This snow is a bit early this year but it won't last. We still have nice fall days ahead. I like fall temps. Good health to you too!

    Good luck with that shot. I don't get them.

    Well ... According to your map, my area (about 3/8 inch above the 4 at Williamsport) looks pretty nice. But my neighbor probably will be down in your area with his power company crew to help your power company guys out.


    "But my neighbor probably will be down in your area with his power company crew to help your power company guys out."

    I hope so. Actually my power company does well for my area. They're pretty quick about getting power back but a storm like this one may take out a lot of power up and down the east coast. All power companies will be stretched thin on workers. Can only hope for the best.

    Looks like you may be getting just rain. Lucky you, lol

    A little cool here in Northeast Ohio,but they say we'll miss the storm you are refering too,but sooner or later we'll get our fair share of snow,cold and wind.Living right on a great lake,the wind is what I dislike the most.Good luck to you,I hope it's not too bad.


    Thanks Rick and no, I do not envy you your wind though tomorrow we're suppose to have wind like you get. That's what I'm most not looking forward to.

    " The Valley Of The Sun " (Phoenix,AZ. What can I say !) Mid to upper 80's - Nights mid to upper 60's  and  LIFE IS GOOD !


    Hey neighbor! I live just south of Flag! We lived in the Valley for over 30 years before retiring up here.

    I live in Arizona and we've already had our first snowfall!! Beautiful day today.

    Sunny and crisp!!     Going for a Long Walk, today! ""


    61° / 26°



    Have a nice walk. 61 degrees is a perfect day.

    My Saturday is going to be Party, Noise and more Party (You'd understand if you were ever to a Filipino party). Wife has been working on it since she got home last night from work (with a short break to sleep), so guess I'd better get off this thing & help. Happy shoveling all you fellow north easterners ... stay safe!

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