    Did you know this one? The hum is back. There are more mysterious hums from from the US to China. Houses are vibrating. The hum is getting louder and there is a pulse too.

    +6  Views: 945 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    Interesting! I heard of something of that nature occuring many years ago, but it seemed to just fade away. Sounds like one of those fatalistic precursors to another premonition of the world coming to an end. Although it could be space aliens experimenting with their mind control technology, preparing to address inhabitants of the world telepathically!
    Grit Savage

    and I thought it was the dog! but yeah, the hum, I have heard of it but never heard it :-)


    14 Answers

    Hum hum         hum hum    hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Can you read the tune?)

    Will you guys stop with the humming!  You're scaring me BEFORE Halloween!

    There is no hum to be found here.  Yet.  Still waiting.

    What do you think that means?


    I'd be willing to guess if I heard it myself....

    They said the hum around Windsor, Ont. is from a U.S.  factory on Zug Island-----  an Island in the Detroit River near Windsor


    I don't know about the other hums

    They come from underground.

    What hum are we talking about.......?


    You know how we are with rumors. I think that, once again, someone may be playing with our minds?

    OK, I just thought I was out of the loop being so far down here.........

    It's Satannnnnnnnnnnnnnn !


    Thanks "Church Lady". :)

    There are many natural events that happen and are not aliens or the gates of hell opening to receive the global sinners. But considering the time of year, maybe that is exactly what it is and you must be closer to the Gates of Hell than I am, because here it is very peaceful but for a few poor souls who seem a bit under the weather…like, there is the flu season and some have purple spots on their throats, vacant eyes and drag a foot. But other than that and the occasional screams at night and drunk hitchhikers….thing seem fairly normal and I certainly will be glad to see them all get over it , straighten up and get JOBS!  Its embarrassing to have to push through a crowd of drunken lechers  to get into the drug store for a bottle of Viagra and Tylenol-D.


    I seem to remember seeing a programme about this - it was not a supernatural hummm - it was more organised conspiracy or something like that but it was for real. Not even sure where it was - so helpful NOT.

    Your name sure matches your comment on this one! LOL LOL :) :)

    Cheap shot Ducka thanks. I am serious - it was a documentary with a commentator and people and the humming as they passed certain houses - oh just forget it. It will come out of the woodwork sometime when I check it.

    Ducka - perhaps you are right - I feel quite out of zinc here - the terminolgy I do not understand and so many different variables.

    "Shucks don't worry about it it"S only OBAMA thinking.

    A rumor that started on the internet? If we were little kids it would be the monster in the closet. - a humming monster.


    It's not a rumour, it's in a lot of countries now.

    I am no expert on these matters but it  sounds to me like it could be all the Bees congregating and preparing for their annual migration to warmer pastures, albeit a little late.

    its the langoliers! ! !  ahhhhhh run! ! !

    I noticed an unusually  annoying hum in the Walmart parking lot under construction. Some equipment emitter a humming noise of significant volume and frequency that gave me a feeling of wanting to puke. It wasn’t so loud but rather the way the sound vibrated my whole body that felt so yucky.  I saw other people who were similarly affected. If this equipment were three blocks away you would not hear it but your teeth would rattle annoyingly.


    That's bad, but this is happening all the time and keeping people awake at night. Some people have moved from the areas.

    Public health services may take notice if a number of complaints are filed regarding the problem. But it is important to specify the source of the noise. In a city noise pollution can be excessive. Also the air quality may also be negatively impacted near such equipment.

    Years ago I lived out in an area that was definitely on a shelf over the ocean. I live on Vancouver island. Every once in awhile i would hear a rumbling.Who knows with all the earth moving under our feet that this is what you are experiencing.

    its the rapture  !!!  its the rapture!!!   [best to be said  out loud in a thick hillbilly]


    Haaa, haaaah.

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