    I need help with fractions


    0  Views: 904 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    Eggplant has the right answer (I think). When you add or subtract fractions, they must have the same denominator. Think of a pie cut into 8 pieces. Then think of a pie cut into 12 pieces. It is hard to add 1/8 of a pie and 5/12 of a pie, because they are different sizes. What would you call the answers? It wouldn't be 8ths or 12ths. You could cut BOTH pies into 24 pieces each and then you could do the adding (or subtracting). When you multiply or divide fractions, it doesn't matter about the denominator.

    4 Answers

    1/5 + 1/3 x 1/4

    According to the "Order of Operations" rules, multiplications or divisions  (from left to right) must be done before additions or subtractions (from left to right).

    1/3 x 1/4 = 1/12   (Numerator = 1 x 1 = 1 and Denominator = 3 x 4 = 12)

    Therefore, 1/5 + 1/3 x 1/4 = 1/5 + 1/12

    Using common denominator,   1/5 + 1/12 = 12/60 + 5/60 = 17/60

    Please let me know if you need any further explanation.

    (1 / 5) + (((1 / 3) x 1) / 4) = 0.283333333

    More about calculator.


    If I were you, I would use eggplants answer.

    Your comment is a better answer than your answer, Ed1530, but you get points for trying.

    So do I

    1/5+1/3 x 1/4

    = 1/5 + 1/12

    = [ 1 × 12 ] / [ 5 × 12] + [ 1 × 5 ] / [ 12 × 5 ] [ L.C.M of 5 & 12 is  5 × 12 = 60 ]

    = 12/60 + 5/60 

    = [ 12 + 5 ] / 60 [ Addition of numerator since the denominator is same]

    = 17/60

    Hope this helped you to some extent. Now solve the other related problems with your friends.



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