    can you please give me some different ways to get rid and stay rid of fleas in your house without getting rid of your dog

    +1  Views: 1153 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    Get rid of your wife instead. I married 2 dogs, so i should know. We had fleas in the house. The hounds stayed, wives left. Guess more fleas! Found a website that might be helpful,

    8 Answers

    How about a flea collar on the dog?


    And a collar for the house. lol.


    Try using a Flea Bomb, you will have to leave the house for approx. 12 hours, don't forget the gold fish,pet frogs and all plants and any thing else that breaths, as this stuff will kill all living things, including fleas, and humans. -- it really works, then i would buy Frontline Plus for your dog.""


    Umm, might get my mother in law some for christmas.

    depending on where you live I can tell you a product that really works but if you are not in Australia the brand name will mean nothing.

    Frontline is really good for the dog, you just put some on the back of the neck, (thats the dog I ment to say) If you are sure they are animal fleas your vet or pet shop can sell you some spray for the house.

    Don't use a aerosol bomb, it can leave a residue that can affect you and your dog. Take your dog to a pet shop for a flea bath, THEN, use a popular flea additive on the dog. For your house, set several lamps on the floor around your house, fill a paper cup halfway up with water and rub vasaline around the rim. Do this for a week and all the fleas will be drowned. Change the cups daily.

    you can get flea killer for carpets and furniture at walmart. its in the pet isle i think. i had to use some when i had a basement and it works good. you can use it in your pets sleeping area too.

    Get rid of your wife instead, if you have one. I married 2 dogs, so i should know. We had fleas in the house. The hounds stayed, wives left. Guess more fleas! Found a website that might be helpful,

    have orkin or someone come out and spray your property for one, put a flea collar on your dog, or frontline plus

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