    Prayer request for the AKAQA Prayer warriors...

    A couple of months ago... A german automotive company scouted of comunity for a new plant...  Out of over 200 applications they asked to speak with my hubby about the maintanance and skilled labor in the county... They have decided they are giong to build here.. (YAY our community really need the jobs).

    I am in prayer that My hubby will be hired. It will require him to go to Germany for 3 months. But in the grand sceme of things that is not that long. We have been married 17 years and we are lifers.

    If this is not the right avanue I would hope that God would close the door.... Something has to give in our fanancial life. I pray this is it, and that he resieves a call soon.

    +9  Views: 837 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    Best of luck to him! If it's meant to be, it will be ;) 

    Good luck Jenn.Sounds like you have finally got a shot at it.Hope hubby gets the job.


    PS.3 months in Germany? What a hoot!!!!

    I think if he can deal with the home sickness he will really enjoy it.. he has been out of the Deep South one time in his intire life.. I took him to Chicago.. He felt like he was on a different planet.
    But my AKA buddies will have to keep me company for a while.

    No problem there Jenn.keeping you company I mean.Sure he will miss you but he will love Germany & come home with a million stories.
    (Can't you go with him? Use your frequent flyer points or something?)

    Good luck towards what ever it is you really want to happen - did that make sense?


    Yes. it does.


    Pray this works out for you.......

    Hope it works out for the best. 

    Seems like a better future is in the making. Best of luck to your hubby.

     Whistle The best of Irish Luck to your hubby Jenn x. 


    I hope it all goes to plan,Good Luck.

    Good luck ,hope it works out . I would be checking with the tax man to see how I could write off a visit to Germany to visit at the half way point . Perhaps you have a skill that could be traded for a round trip . These days anything is possible if the bottom line makes sense . All my best    Bill


    If he is making the money they are planning to pay.. Me and the kidos can make the trip to see him... But I am so excited for my country boy to have the experience... i hope it works out.

    I wish you prosperity in all things. You know, it can come to you in many different ways. If this is the right path for you and your hub, it will happen. I hold a positive picture of your future together.

    Jenn I really hope this comes through for you guys.   I bet they pay for your Husband to come home at least 1 time while he is there - maybe you can exchange the ticket for you to go there.  Usually the flier gets to keep the frequent flier miles too.   Best of luck.  r/yvonne57

    I will pray he'll get the job. Maybe you can go and join him in Germany for a week or so . That would be cool.

    i will be praying for you and your husband.God will bless you.

    I second that thought! (all the above)

    Jenn I have sent a Prey for your Husband to get this Job and prey for all of the Jenn house hold let there be light and let it shine on your family god bless you all xxxx

    Good luck Jenn - what's three months in a lifetime and all the time you have been together but as you said you and the kids will be able to afford a ticket -  and I wish him luck - hope he gets the call soon.

    That sounds like a great opportunity not only for you guys but the community as well. I am excited for you all. Already sent the prayer, it will work out exactly as it's meant to be.

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